SAMAR, JANUARY 1ST, 1898, TO JULY 4, 1902
Exhibits 1318 to 1366
1318 - Lukban to People of Samar and Leyte, Jan 1 1901
1319 - K.K. to Lukban, Jan 10 1899
1320 - Lukban to Customs Officers, Feb 7 1899
1321 - Lukban to Luna, Jul 8 1899
1322 - Lukban General Orders for the Guerrillas, Feb 4 1900
1323 - Lukban to Local Presidentes, Feb 4 1900
1324 - Lukban to Local Presidentes and Inhabitants, Mar 17 1900
1325 - Lukban to Local Presidentes, Mar 29 1900
1326 - Lukban to Local Presidentes and Inhabitants, Mar 31 1900
1327 - Lukban to Local Chiefs, Apr 15 1900
1328 - Lukban Obligations of Guerrillas, Apr 26 1900
1329 - Lukban to Local Pres. of Katibug (Katubig), Jun 5 1900
1330 - Lukban to Local Presidentes and Inhabitants, Jul 13 1900
1331 - Lukban to Whom It May Concern, Jul 25 1900
1332 - Lukban Proclamation, Aug 4 1900
1333 - To Mariano Trias, Aug 15 1900
1334 - Lukban Order, Aug 28 1900
1335 - Lukban to Espiņas, Sept 8 1900
1336 - Santos to Belarmino, Sept 17 1900
1337 - Lukban to Local Presidente of Katubig, Sept 18 1900
1338 - Lukban to Inhabitants of Samar, Oct 11 1900
1339 - Abenis to Local Chiefs of Towns, Dec 14 1900
1340 - Matuguinao General Meeting, chair Basilio Diaz, Jan 3 1901
1341 - Catbalogan Commander to Lukban, Jan 20 1901
1342 - Lukban to Compatriots of Samar, Feb 1 1901
1343 - Lukban Edict, Feb 1 1901
1344 - Lukban to the Filipinos, Feb 4 1901
1345 - Lukban to Citizens of Samar, Feb 25 1901
1346 - Lukban to Mariano Trias, Feb 25 1901
1347 - Acevili to Lukban, Feb 27 1901
1348 - Samar Meeting presided by Lukban, Apr 19 1901
1349 - Lukban to Abuke, May 17 1901
1350 - Balangiga Presidente P. Abayan to Lukban, May 30 1901
1351 - Ngalacon to Lukban, Jun 12 1901
1352 - Amans and Cabaņas to Lukban, Jun 21 1901
1353 - Colinares to Lukban, Jun 24 1901
1354 - Singzon to Leading Men of Towns, Jun 26 1901
1355 - Acevill to Colonel, Jul 20 1901
1356 - Revolutionists to Compatriots of Towns, Aug 15 1901
1357 - Rafael to Colonel Second in Command, Sept 3 1901
1358 - Sebastian to Colonel Second in Command, Sept 17 1901
1359 - Lukban to Local Chief of Natividad, Oct 6 1901
1360 - Daza to Colonel 2nd Chief of Province, Oct 6 1901
1361 - Barandino to Mauricio, Oct 17 1901
1362 - Lukban Regulations for Samar Militia Forces, Nov 18 1901
1363 - Quioson to Colonel 2nd Chief of Province, Jan 5 1902
1364 - Guevara to Local Chiefs, Jan 8 1902
1365 - Guevara to People of Samar, Feb 25 1902
1366 - Reply of Smith to Guevara, Mar 26 1902
LEYTE, DECEMBER 19 1898 TO JULY 4 1902
Exhibits 1367 to 1384
1367 - Tacloban Meeting, Dec 16 1898
1368 - Braulio Cruz to Citizen-Governor of Leyte, Feb 13 1899
1369 - Aguinaldo to Mojica, Jan 1 1899
1370 - Esteban Aparri Proclamation, Mar 14 1899
1371 - Principales of Tacloban to Aguinaldo, Apr 6 1899
1372 - Mojica to the Lt Col of Leyte Tacloban Battalion, Jan 15 1900
1373 - Pardo to Moxia, Mar 2 1900
1374 - Pardo to Moxica, Mar 6 1900
1375 - Vilag to Moxica, Mar 31 1900
1376 - Y.R. to My Dear Sir, Apr 7 1900
1377 - Rojas to General, Apr 21 1900
1378 - Moxica Order, May 20 1900
1379 - General to Lucente, Jun 23 1900
1380 - Ruiz to Moxica, Aug 11 1900
1381 - Bello to Brig Genl Sup Mil Comdr of Leyte, Aug 21 1900
1382 - Pacheco to Local Chiefs, Oct 4 1900
1382 - Veloso to Pacheco, Oct 6 1900
1383 - General to Citizens of Leyte, Nov 1900
1384 - Lukban to People of Leyte, Aug 3 1901

JANUARY 1, 1899.

Fellow-citizens of Samar and Leyte.

For more than three hundred years have we been enduring the Spaniards. Having suffered and been saddened by the unfortunate fate of our sons and the increase in outrages and besides the day having arrived for the cry of Liberty, we decided to shed our blood and lose our property, with the sole end in view of freeing ourselves from such an odious domination, and, Thank Heaven! our efforts have been crowned with success.

We no longer are slaves exploited by the Spaniards; we no longer blush on account of our condition, because our beloved Filipinas has entered the concert of civilized nations, and bears upon her forehead the seal of achievement and honor. And you, children of Samar and Leyte, participate in all this happiness, although you did not cooperate in the victory.

Now that it has become an imperious necessity to consolidate our Republic; now that powerful aggressions may occur, and now that we must endeavor to keep from returning to slavery and sufferings; it becomes absolutely necessary, brothers, that you come to our help with your lives and property, as you are not ignorant of the ignominious fate which awaits us, if we do not strengthen ourselves and unite. Will you permit that this, our soil, legally ours, should again be taken from us? Will you perhaps tolerate that this state of oppression, of tears and of exploitation be imposed upon us by any Power?

The loss of property does not pain us, nor do we care for life; as apart from the dishonor and misery into which we would fall, we are called upon to fulfill the duty of working for the common good; if we do not live to see days of complete prosperity and welfare, let us be satisfied with the assurance that our children, that our grand children, will gather tpe sweet fruits of the beautiful tree of our dreamed·of Independence.

Let our wills be entire and united; cast out of your breasts party spirit, which is eminently anti-social, and which will redound to our opprobrium and enervate our energies; let us pray to God, as in Him lies victory; let us dedicate ourselves to honest labor, by breaking, and profiting from, this fertile soil, coveted by strangers; let us obey with full faith and good will the orders of our governors; and, beloved brethren, let us unite our efforts to secure the strength, wealth, good report and honor of our new born Republic.

Your General,


JANUARY 1, 1899.