Exhibit 1375.
[Original in Spanish. A.L . S. P.I.R., 1237.2 ]
PANING PALO [LEYTE], March 31, 1900, Poro Luyonbuyon.
a decision on my communications sent you there by a messenger.
I am still at my post without incident, thank God. My platoons
succeeded in killing thirteen unarmed Americans, two Chinamen, and
two natives (Indios) who were acting as spies.
On the 24th instant I entered Tacloban for the purpose of leaving
a platoon of bolomen there until further orders, which I did, and now
there are 42 within the town proper of Tacloban. I was enabled to
secure free passage at night time. We shall now see if this move will
have a good effect.
In this town of Paning, Sr. Ricardo and Marasbaras are alternately
guarding the loads with my platoons of 10 to 12 bolomen each.
Friday the 29th, at 4 p.m., I entered Palo with the same end in
view as in Tacloban, but I was discouraged because the inhabitants did
not want to cooperate, no doubt because they were wild about the new
elections, Captain Igme being one of the candidates.
To-day the elections were held and Captain Igme or Emigdio Acebedo,
was elected. He said he would see if he could do something. I am
watching the latter's conduct closely.
In Tacloban some of the inhabitants caused me to discontinue the
pursuit of Captains Caco and Daydo because they told me that they
were not guilty. Up to the present time I see nothing but cursed
politics, and I told Caco not to participate in the matters of Daydo, who
was in close relations with Captain Polk, the commander of the garrison
of Tacloban, and that what was necessary was to make the collections
and send the proceeds to you; and I believe that he is doing something.
In Tacloban the so-called Manuel Catalan, who succeeded in becoming
a policeman, Juaquinito Orlac and his nephew, are acting as spies;
but I will cause their disappearance in a few days.
Galza is in Tacloban. He spoke to me of ourselves, and wants to
propose some good things. I am observing him. As I understand his
purposes are good.
Finally, General, I will do all that I can. Help me by praying to
God not to let anything happen to me. I say this because I see that
the Americans, since they suffered the losses on the road to Palo, no
longer go unarmed and in carriages or on horses, and are always in
bands of 5 to ten soldiers.
Until the next time I say good-by, offering my life and soul for
our independence, and dispose of yours, etc.
(Signed) JULIO VILAG (?)
Remember me to my companions and to my chum Remigio.