Exhibit 1331.
[Original in Spanish. Contemporary copy. P . I. R ., 882.1.]
July 25, 1900.
To whom it may concern:
The Philippine people have ever been hospitable and moved by
humane sentiments towards those who have sought the protection of our
spotless banner. On the other hand it is well known that not all the
North-Americans are so grasping as to wish to gain control over us and
make a colony of our country; on the contrary, the majority of them,
the democrats, mindful of the principles of their early statesmen, flatly
refuse their consent to such unjust schemes and are not willing to fight
us; indeed they wish to assist us in the just cause which we defend.
In view of prevailing conditions I feel called upon to publish an
edict affording the enemy of this province our best protection and aid
whenever and wherever they seek the same:
1. Any of the enemy who wish to present themselves to me seeking
protection for their lives, may do so by making use of a white flag and
by previously turning over their arms to tbe Philippine officer in command
of the nearest detachment who will authorize a trustworthy person
to receive the arms at a place agreed upon; and once said delivery
is made, they shall present themselves to said commanding officer who
will afford them such treatment as their rank and character entitle
them to, furnishing them good food and other necessaries until they
are turned over to these Headquarters, whereupon they will be given
due protection and assistance provided they recognize our cause as
legitimate and just, as in reality it is. And they shall be entitled, also,
to continue their residence in this Province after the war has ceased
under the same conditions as at present.
2. Any Filipino soldier or other person attached to our cause who
sacks, robs, maltreats, or upbraids the nation or person of any American
who presents himself to our forces and surrenders his arms, will be
immediately shot to death; hence Post Commanders and Chiefs and
Officials of Operations will keep a strict watch for such occurrences
and will send before me all persons violating this Decree.
Given at the General Headquarters of Mag-Talo on the 25th day
of July, 1900.
Governor and General in-Chief (rubric).
In the margin appears a seal which reads: Military Headquarters
of the Province of Samar.