Exhibit 1374.
[Extract from Spanish. L. S. P I R., 2035.3 ]
MARCH 6, 1900.
the former letter which accomplishes this, I remembered that I still
had to communicate to you other news, therefore I have the honor to
address you the present, begging you beforehand to pardon me for giving
you so much trouble; and will proceed to relate to you the following:
* * * * * * *
I have heard from Cebu with regret that some of the persons who
are with you are suspicious of distinguished people in Carigara and other
towns, claiming that they are Americanistas or partisans of our enemies;
and although it distresses me to have to give you my opinion upon this
point, I do it through patriotism, which is above paltry passions, as
to-day more than ever, we should have great reluctance in offering
opinions, as they may wound the self respect of some people, for there
are many of us who for reasons of policy appear to be in favor of the
Americans, but who are in reality true Filipinos and devoted patriots,
who labor ceaselessly and secretly in favor of our cause. In Manila
everyday Filipinos are seen who are apparently warm friends of the
Americans, but who are really true patriots who support the Philippine
cause, some of them being agents and messengers of Seņora Rosalia
[Aguinaldo] and of others who are in the Center with said seņora; and
all those who compose the Philippine Committee in said capital eat
and drink with the Americans like friends of the latter, but secretly
labor without rest for the Seņora Rosalia and the Philippine cause.
There are people who still have close relations with the Americans,
and who are not the less true patriots, for they are helping us with
their money and property. In Cebu and in Manila I have seen many
who are in constant association with our enemies, but they communicate
their impressions, they aid with money and goods those who arc in
the field, and this intimacy with our enemies is maintained by many
on account of its serviceableness and in conformity with circumstances.
Up to a certain point it suits us and our plans for the campaign that
in towns where there are American garrisons we should have persons of
this kind, as We are in constant communication with them, and can, and
do, learn the progress of the operations of the Americans and their
opinions concerning us.
In consideration then of the above, it is difficult for me to express
an opinion as to the ideas and true conduct of these persons,
whether or not they are Americanistas or sincere patriots; since it
happened in Manila that one person whom we took for an Americanista,
turned out to be a true patriot, contributing money and arms to our
men under a fictitious name; hence this is one more proof that it is
easy to be mistaken in judging the acts of a person and what he really
is or thinks. For which reason it would be well, I believe, for us not
to be hasty in judging some of our countrymen to be such Americanistas,
without being provided with the best evidence, because one who is really
a patriot and a good Filipino and who labors secretly for the Philippine
cause, - sacrificing himself with his means for it - when he learns that
he is suspected Americanista, without really being so, feels it much, is
discouraged and his ideas become lukewarm, he draws back, and ceases
to labor with the fervor he formerly did. Bear in mind also that under
the present and critical circumstances many take occasion to avenge
private feuds against persons whom they formerly feared, propagate
false reports against them, with no other purpose than to wound and
dishonor them, without taking into consideration that such a proceeding
is impolitic and should not be resorted to in these times, that we must
forgive one another and be united in the single idea of maintaining
our cause even unto death. Through such a course, avenging private
enmities through the sacred name of country, dissension or disunion will
begin among us, the results of which will be fatal for the ideal of
independence for which we are striving to-day. Now more than ever
must we be united, as in union there is strength to fight the common
enemy, which is America.
All the above I respectfully communicate to you confidentially, and
as my humble private opinion, for I would fail to be a patriot should
I not tell you what I feel and think; nevertheless you, in your own sound
judgment, will decide upon what you consider most fitting in this particular.
I have written you many letters from Manila and Cebu.
This very day by express dispatch I have written to Seņora Rosalia,
via Cebu and Manila, sending her good news from this province,
under your worthy command. And with the most sincere respect the
undersigned salutes you, places himself at your disposal, and kisses
your hand.