Exhibit 1328.
[Spanish. D.S. P.I.R., 1241.2.]
APRIL 26, 1900.
1. The commander of the guerrilla shall appoint one sergeant and
two corporals if their number amounts to 50 and two sergeants and four
corporals if their number amounts to 100.
2. The sergeant immediately below the commander in rank shall
punctually carry out all the orders which the commander may give him,
and shall be tried by court martial should he not do so.
3. The guerilla soldiers shall show due respect to their commander
and to the sergeants and corporals of their company, obeying their orders
provided they are in favor of our cause.
4. The guerrilla commander shall respect the orders of the Inspector
of guerrillas with regard to military tactics and battles, obeying them
5. A guerrilla commander who shall secure 25 rifles and much ammunition
shall be promoted to the actual rank of second lieutenant, to
the rank of first lieutenant on the regular roll if he secures fifty, to captain
if 100, and to Major if 300.
6. The Commander shall endeavor to keep the state of health of
his guerrilla band in a good condition if it be possible, and properly
manage the rice contribution furnished him by the head of the town;
and he shall inform the chief of the town in advance of any scarcity
in provisions.
7. The commander shall be responsible if he allows the commission
of abuses by the guerrillas in the houses of peaceful people; he shall send
such persons to me or to the commanders of my column, as well as all
those who commit a robbery, murder, and other things contrary to the
good of the nation.
8. If he should meet and give the enemy battle and be victorious,
he shall treat the enemy with the greatest courtesy, he shall respect
the wounded, giving them hospital facilities and giving them kind treatment
if possible until they arrive here, and he who shall abuse them
or cause their death shall be executed.
9. It shall be the duty of the commander of the guerrillas to pursue
those who take the guise of guerrillas and are nothing but a gang of
bandits who are disturbing the common welfare, sending them to me
if they are taken or to any of the commanders or inspectors of my
10. It shall also be the duty of guerrilla commanders to persecute
all those who collect taxes in my name without my authority properly
issued, which persons shall also be brought to me or to the commanders
of my column.
MOUNTAINS OF SAMAR, April 26, 1900.
LUKBAN, General.