Exhibit 1319.
[Extract from Spanish. L. S. P. I. R., 882.11.]
CEBU, January 10, 1899 [1900?].
Sr. VICENTE LUKBAN, Katbalogan, Samar.
on the 8th instant with authority from the Centre and from Mrs.
Rosalia Magdalo [E. Aguinaldo], who granted me permission to pass to
the reserves; nevertheless she deigned to confer a commission upon me
for this province, to make a visit of inspection, and at the same time
to transmit her instructions regarding tactics, etc., connected with the
war and present conditions, and after executing said commission, I shall
go to that town in order to have the great pleasure of greeting you
and all your worthy companions, and at the same time to place myself
at your orders.
As a special charge from the Centre, is the system of guerrilla
warfare which the people in arms are to pursue, in groups or sections
of 20 or 25, even less, members, for the purpose of continually harassing
the enemy and not letting him rest; with instructions not to fire until
they are within 40 to 50 meters, so that they will not miss and
the bullets may find their target and have the proper effect. The
greatest economy possible in ammunition and o+her elements of war is
charged, for the simple reason that they cannot be secured easily, by
virtue of the present conditions through which the country is passing,
and the means of communication. That soldiers in battle must not
kneel nor lie down on the ground, because the Americans aim very
low, it being a well known fact that since they pursue these, tactics,
many of our men have died from bullets in the head or chest, while
if they stood up the bullets would pass or hit them 1n the leg, feet or
thighs, which wounds are not mortal or serious. However, in your
good judgment as commander you will take into consideration the topography.
Instructions are also given to have large stores of munitions of
war and provisions in the mountains, taking into consideration the fact
that this war is to be prolonged for a long period, until America or
its government grants us our longed.for independence, and our victory
lies in the prolongation of the war. * * *
There is nothing new here, although many tales are told of you
by the priests who fled from there.
In Bacolod (Negros) an armed conspiracy against the Americans
has been discovered. The latter instituted an investigation and shot
more than 200 persons and threw about 60 into the sea; but as all of
them were wealthy and well known persons, there is a general uprising
against the Yankees at the present time in Negros. * * *
(Signed) K. K.