Exhibit 1352.

[Original in Spanish. A.L.S. P.I.R., 1264.2 ]

JUNE 21, 1901.

To the Politico-Military Governor and Commander in Chief of this the province of Samar.

In writing these lines I do not know how to express to you my ideas on account of the difficulties under which I am laboring due to the gravity of the situation in which I am placed at the present time.

Appointed by the town to fill a very delicate office, for which I do not consider myself suited and which is contrary to my patriotic sentiments, because I never have desired to recognize American sovereignty which is attempting to trample our liberty under foot, and not being able to disobey the voice [of the Americans?] that has appointed me, I cannot tolerate it without first informing you as representative of our respected government, the only one I recognize and which I have sworn and will swear thousands of times, to defend, so that upon the receipt hereof you will give me the instructions which I must liberty.

And in order that the commanders and officers may not have the lightest lack of confidence in me, I earnestly request you to be kind enough to inform them all, in order that they may recognize me as one of the true lovers of the country, and in consequence the defender of our liberty.

God preserve you many years.

BASEY, June 21, 1901.