Exhibit 1372.

[Original in Spanish. Document signed. P. I. R., 1146.1]

PALO, January 15, 1900.

There is a stamp which reads: Superior Military Headquarters of Leyte and Samar. - To the lieutenant colonel of the battalion of the province of Leyte, Tacloban.·

It being impossible to separate the military element from the civil authorities, and in order to prevent any friction by reason of the selfishness and indifference of the latter and the superiority of the strength of the former, which friction will bring about lamentable as well as unpatriotic consequences, this Politico-Military government, with a view of outlining the rule of conduct and to check further abuses, hereby provides and orders the following, requesting compliance from all:

ARTICLE 1. All the local chiefs shall give due consideration to the military men as the defenders of the integrity of the country and of property of the people in general, and against the enemy's invasion.

ART. 2. The military man as defender of the country shall observe decorum and dignity, endeavoring that his conduct be a model for all, appreciated by his fellow-citizens and admired by foreigners, observing the respect due the local chief as an authority, and extending a kind and courteous treatment, as should be the case among well-bred persons, towards the members of the popular board and toward all the inhabitants.

ART. 3. The local authorities are required to maintain the public peace, and it is of their exclusive jurisdiction to watch and to punish the outlaws and violators of orders, laws and other provisions in force regarding police regulations, justice and public taxes, and if the police force is not sufficient [for the mentioned purpose.-Tr], they may request the assistance of the military forces.

ART. 4. The field and line officers, as well as the noncommissioned officers, have 110 jurisdiction whatever over the local authorities, and much less so over the inhabitants; but only over the military element. They cannot interfere with matters other than those which are military in character, and those provided in special orders, unless their assistance has been requested by the local chiefs and by the inhabitants, and in such cases they shall immediately turn over to the corresponding authority the person of the wrongdoer; except in cases of fire, flood, rebellion, escape of wrongdoers, or escape of a prisoner from a place of confinement, in which cases the military men, motu propio, and at once, shall go to the place of disorder to aid in the extinction of fire, to render assistance to the unfortunate ones, to disperse mobs, to capture the wrongdoer or prisoner, delivering him to the competent authority.

ART. 5. In addition to the aid and assistance provided for in the decree issued by our Honorable President, the local authority may, spontaneously and as a brother, render such service on payment of its price or value.

ART. 6. None of tIle military men the field and line officers, the non-commissioned officers or troops, whether stationed in this capital or in any town, have the powers that the Guardia Civil had under the Spanish government, an institution hated by the Filipino people, and which was abolished by our government. And therefore, it is the duty of the citizens and especially the local authorities-and it is a patriotic duty-to denounce to the government any military man exercising the functions of the Guardia Civil and especially the acts of vandalism which this institution exercised.

ART. 7. Whenever a warlike condition may arise in this province, that is to say, whenever a state of war exists therein, it will be the duty of the local authorities and all the inhabitants to render gratuitous service to the military men, for the maintenance of the soldiers as well as in the supply of horses, carts with harness for the transportation of the provisions and supplies of war.

ART. 8. The military men on requesting assistance from the local authorities and from the inhabitants, will endeavor to hold up the prestige of the Filipino soldier, by extending to all affability and courtesy and avoiding and restraining from using any kind of vexation, coercion and oppression, practices which do not conform to and are not in accord with our motto "fraternity."


ART. 9. While a state of war exists, the Chief of the battalion in the capital and the commanding officer of the detachments in each town or barrio, shall have the exclusive power to assign military guards in the points or places where they suspect the enemy may enter or land.

You are hereby requested to acknowledge the receipt of this circular, and this government hopes that you will strictly comply with all herein provided, with the assurance that such provisions are in accord with your sentiments, as a good republican.

PALO, January 15, 1900.


A true copy.

[Unintelligible signature.-TR.]
Lieutenant Colonel, Chief.