Exhibit 1370.
[Original in Spanish. D.S. P.I.R., 965.7.]
TACLOBAN [LEYTE], March 14, 1899.
Sr. ESTEBAN APARRI Y TOMACION, Major of the Philippine Army, Military
Commander of this garrison, and General in command of operations
in this Province of Leyte.
In view of the critical conditions existing in the country, and the
province having been officially declared in a state of seige; availing myself
of the powers vested in me by the laws as Commander of Operations,
I deemed it proper to issue the following:
1. From this date large and small vessels are forbidden to hold
communication with the nearby islands of Samar, Cebu, Bohol and Suo
rigao, without first securing a pass from these Headquarters, or from
the military authorities at the points where detachments may be stationed,
or in their absence from the local chiefs who, acting in accordance
with the instructions that I have given for the purpose, will issue
the proper safe conduct.
He who violates these provisions, shall be shot after a most summary
court martial.
2. In the event of any part of our positions being occupied by the
American troops, any Filipino who passes over to the enemy's camp,
or who sells provisions, furnishes supplies or war material, information,
or plans of fortifications, shall also be shot; and
3. From this date all native Filipinos between 16 and 50 years of
age are obliged to take up arms in the defense of the country; with the
understanding that those who fail to present themselves to the civil and
military authorities of each district to offer their services and those
who show cowardice or fear, shall be considered traitors to their country
and therefore shall incur the same penalties as prescribed in the
preceding articles.
Headquarters at Tacloban [Leyte], March 14th, 1899.
Commander, General in Chief.