Exhibit 1343.
[Original in Spanish. D. S. P. I. R., 928.5 ]
FEBRUARY 1, 1901.
VICENTE LUKBAN Y RILLES, Politico-Military Governor of this Province
of Samar, Brigadier General of the Filipino Army and General-in-chief
of Operations of said province.
This Politico-Military Government is highly satisfied with the patriotism
of the inhabitants of this province, who, in spite of the threats
of the proclamation issued by the so-called Military Governor of the
Philippine Islands, dated December 20th of the year just ended, remain
firm in their indestructible union and in their purposes to defend
the country and to sacrifice their own lives on the altars of the
same; by reason thereof, and placing my trust in your assistance and
protection, worthy and patriotic Samaranians, it is my duty to inform
you that said proclamation, laying aside all kind of considerations
for the Filipinos in arms, speak of us as insurgents, which is inconceivable,
since we only defend our own right, which is liberty, the
first right which the Supreme Being bestowed on man on creating
him. If all men are destined to be free and independent, no one, therefore,
must trample upon such a right, which belongs to all peoples,
especially when the latter is already endowed with culture sufficient
to enter into the concert of civilized nations.
The law, being just, does not punish those who solely act in accordance
with it and for their own rights; and as the spirit of ssid proclamation
is diametrically opposed to the aspirations of a people who struggle
for their independence, it should be rejected by all Filipinos who
boast of dignity or of shame.
It can not be said that in defending this right we infringe the laws
of war and we proceed like inhuman beings; no; up to the present time
there has been no record, in this province or in any place where our
consecrated flag waves, of any barbarity or inhumanity whatever, but
rather on the contrary, we proceed in accordance with said laws, demonstrating
to the world that the time has now come for the Philippines
to be recognized as capable of governing themselves.
Existing as there does, an International Code which mitigates and
prevents the barbarous consequences of war, the fact that the North
American Imperialism caused the outbreak of hostilities without a wellfounded
reason with a weak nation, for which it made itself protector
at one time, when it yet needed its assistance, is well known by everybody
to be a violation by the same Imperialism of that law; and consequently
it cannot be said that it is a violation of the same by the
Fiilpino Army. It is but logical. that, as the Philippines is being
trampled upon by the power of that great North American nation, it
should avail itself of a thousand ways in order to defend itself, ways
which are in no manner whatever flagrant violations of American interests
or of the laws of war, because if they were, granades, bombardments,
and other elements of war which the enemy's power uses in
order to defeat us would also be the same.
Who is not aware that the acts of the enemy in capturing small
vessels and setting them on fire at sea with all their cargoes, endangering
the lives of the owners, who being purely neutral, devote themselves
solely to their small business without making or committing any
kind of contraband, are contrary to humanity? Can fishermen, perchance,
be prevented from following their calling, the only one which they have
for earning a livelihood, when these men commit no act contrary to
the laws of war? Is it not contrary to humanity to shoot defenseless
persons, set pueblos on fire and to loot and rob the houses of
some peaceful inhabitants? Are not the acts of the enemy, in throwing
persons, perhaps innocent ones, tied up in sacks, into the water,
which are once in a while picked up on our shores, barbarous ones?
If they are, why then are these acts recorded of the American forces
in all their operations throughout this province? If, owing to the fact
that we Filipinos defend our own rights, we are considered to be insurgents
and traitors, then the one having the best guns, war ships,
and armament would be considered just and right, and we who do not
have them yet are lacking in that; in such a case a law that brings
the civilized world into harmony and order should not exist; which
proves that the intent of the proclamation of which we speak, is, in
the full meaning of the world, to enslave us, and that protection for
the Filipinos who submit to their sovereignty is only a trick in order
to exterminate us without any consideration whatever. Do not, therefore,
allow yourselves to be deceived, beloved compatriots; be on the
alert and expel the invader.
We only fight to defend our own rights; we do not want war, on
the contrary, we desire peace; but a worthy and honorable peace for
our country, for which purpose our most worthy President, Emilio Aguinaldo
is fully empowered, and is vested with the aspirations of the
Filipino people; but we are convinced that while the invaders remain
in the country, peace will never reign, as time, and the continued firing
which constantly and daily develops in all the provinces of the Archipelago,
has shown; hence there arises the inevitable duty imposed upon
all Filipinos to cooperate in the present campaign, for as soon as the
enemy leaves the Islands, that longed for peace will be seen, a true
and stable peace which will not stain Ottr hearts, because it will be
based on independence.
In virtue thereof, all Filipinos, I should say inhabitants of Samar,
who shall obey and shall submit to said proclamation, and therefore to
the American sovereignty, should not and cannot enjoy any consideration
within Filipino territory, for such a proceeding should in no way
be tolerated, as it causes most serious prejudice to the Holy Cause
which we defend. In order that no one shall plead ignorance, before
the strong measures are taken, this Politico-Military Government, availing
itself of the most ample powers vested in it, has seen fit, on this
date, to issue an edict, which hereby
Orders and directs that:
The following will be subject to the military law of the Filipino
Army, tried by summary court martial, and, upon conviction, shot as
traitors to the country.
1st. Those who, being either military or civilians, be their nationality
what it may, shall leave our camps for the purpose of going over
to the enemy in order to inform him of the state of our forces or
of the details of the plans of the ground occupied by our army.
2nd. Also those who, being in the camp of the enemy, shall leave
it for the pueblos, visitas or barrios of the province in order to purchase
food and in order to sell it to the enemy; or, for the purpose of
securing information about our forces, in order to furnish it to the
enemy, and who, while seemingly neutral, are in reality but working
for their own private interests, should favor the enemy to the detriment
of the country.
3rd. Those who, being in our camps, should have or maintain correspondence
with suspicious persons in the camp of the enemy.
4th. Those Filipinos who, having been in our camps, should pass
over to the enemy's without prior permission from this Government.
5th. All Filipinos, inhabitants of this province, who shall comply
with the obligations which the country requires, shall be protected by
this Government.
6th. Repeating my former edicts, all foreigners who shall remain
neutral shall be protected, and the Field and Line Officers who are
operating in this province of my command, and the Local Presidentes
of the same, shall proceed to the capture of the enemy's spies, malefactors
and evildoers, sending them to me for proper action in accordance
with law, and they shall constantly require exact compliance
with this edict.
Make a record of this in the Colonel's Headquarters in order that
it may be communicated to the Field and Line Officers of operations,
and let it be referred to all the pueblos of the province for general
information and for exact compliance thereof.
Given in the General Headquarters of Matuguinaw, Feb. 1, 1901.
Politico-Military Governor.
(Stamp): Politico-Military Government. Samar.
A record made and numbered 54 in these the Colonel's Headquarters.
(Stamp): Samar Regiment. Colonel's Headquarters.