Exhibit 1337.

[Original in Spanish. D.S. P. 1. R., 502.8.]

No. 173.

SEPTEMBER 18, 1900.

To the Local Presidente of Katubig.

This Government applauds in a special manner the impulses and patriotism of the inhabitants of the pueblo under your worthy charge and on that account, as Governor of the Province and General in Chief of the same, I have ordered entered in the book of operations the work which you ("VV." plural referring to the people.-TR.) undertook to carry out in order that it may be put in the foreign newspapers and in the pages of our history, and that you may make the inhabitants acquainted with this deed.

You and your people directed the cannon against the steamer and caused the same to sink, and it once having sunk the enemy were obliged to swim, and while the enemy were swimming you caused the said enemy to receive a rain of arrows whose points were covered with "dita" (a native poison.-TR.) Immediately you reloaded the cannon with great rapidity and again discharged it against the small boats which the enemy had entered and in this manner were able to take many arms and prisoners.

Also in order to cause the destruction of the steamer, you directed your cannon where you believed the boiler to be in order that in its turn this should burst, and once burst it would be one more means toward the destruction of the enemy.

I hope the present felicitation and order will fittingly acknowledge your interest, activity and patriotism.

(Signed) LUCBAN.
Governor and General in Chief.

MATUGUINAO, September 18, 1900.

[SEAL.] Politico-Military Government, Samar.