Arrival of the Dix.
The United States freight transport Dix. formerly the Samoa, arrived from Manila via Nagasaki yesterday. Her only cargo was the remains of 325 officers, soldiers, sailors and civilians who died in the Philippines and have been sent here for final interment. Four of the bodies are unidentified, owing to the marks and numbers having been removed from the graves by some vandal. The remains of
Lieutenant Howard M. Koontz, Forty-fourth Volunteer Infantry;
Chaplain J. Leland, First Tennessee Regiment;
Lieutenant D. D. Pasco, Eighteenth Infantry;
Lieutenant Max Wagner, Twenty-sixth Volunteer Infantry, and
First Lieutenant Charles R. Ramsay. Twenty-first Infantry,
were among those brought home.
Arrival of the Dix
Report of Interment, Jay R. Young, 44th Inf USV
Name: Jay R. Young
Rank: Pvt.
Regiment or Vessel: Co. C, 44th Inf. Vols.
Date of Death: Dec. 15, 1900
Killed at Duero, Bohol, P.I.
Rec'd S.F. on Dix, Sept 5, 1901.
Shipped to Mrs. Theadocia Young, mother, Oberlin, Kansas.
Info. taken from Old Card 8/31/54. ms 122705
Provided by Christopher McLatchey
William D. Pasco, K 18th US Inf
Name: Sidney Francis Hoar
Rank: Landsman
Regiment or Vessel: U.S. Navy
Date of Death: Oct 16 1899
Iloils, Panay, P.I.
Rec'd S.F. on Dix, Sept. 5/01.
Shipped to Chas. F. Lamb, brother, Providence, R.I.
Arnold, John W, d. 08/15/1900, PVT CO F 23RD US INF, Recd On Dix Sep 5, 1901, Plot: NEWAD593, *
Braunwart, Frank, d. 10/22/1900, SGT M 6TH REGT US INF, Recd On Dix 9/5/01 Cr Oct 1901, Plot: NEW 589, *
Carl, John G, d. 03/23/1900, SGT CO L 18TH CS INF, Died In Pi/Recd On Dix Sep 5 1901, Plot: NADD 579, *
Cerveny, John, d. 07/21/1900, PVT CO D 18TH US INF, Recd On Dix Sep 5, 1901/Died In P I, Plot: NADD 578, *
Cullinane, John, d. 07/11/1900, PVT G 26TH US VOL INF, Recd S F On Dix Sept 5 1901 Cr Oct 1901, Plot: NADDN606, *
Daly, Charles, d. 04/30/1901, CORPL I 19 TH US INF, Recd S F On Dix Sep 5, 1901 Died In Pi, Plot: NADDN592, *
Deaton, Jerry, d. 05/30/1900, PVT CO H 44TH US VOL INF, Died In Pi/Recd Sf On Dix Sept 5 1901, Plot: NADD 588, *
Eklund, Gustaf, d. 01/13/1901, PVT CO I 18TH US INF, Died In Pi, Recd Sf On Dix Sept 5 1901, Plot: NADDN580, *
Gillespie, Thomas, d. 04/18/1900, PVT CO G 18TH US INF, Died In Pi, Rec On Dix Sept 5 1901, Plot: 623, *
Griffin, Joseph H, d. 04/28/1900, CPL E 44TH US VOL INF, Recd Sf On Dix 9/5/01, Plot: NEW 583, *
Kessler, Frank, d. 05/25/1900, CPL K 18TH US INF, Cr Oct 1901, Recd Sf On Dix Sept 5/01, Plot: N ADD585, *
Littlefield, Roderick, d. 04/25/1901, PVT CO F 18TH REGT US INFY, Died In Pi Recd Sf On Dix 9/5/01, Plot: NEW A588, *
Logan, Edward, d. 01/27/1900, PVT CO L 43 REGT US VOL INF, New Addition, Orig Bur In Pi Recd Sf On Dix 9/5/01, Plot: 563, *
McCall, Hugh, d. 03/18/1900, PVT CO A 18TH REGT US INF, Died In Pi Recd Sf On Dix 9/5/01, Info Fr Old Card, Plot: NEW 637, *
Peters, Otto J, d. 09/10/1901, PVT CO A, 19TH REGT US INFY, Died In Pi, Recd San Francisco On Dix, 9/5/01, Plot: NEW A657, *
Seitz, Julius, d. 09/17/1900, PVT CO D 19TH US INF, Died In Pi, Recd Sf On Dix 9/5/01, Plot: 641, bur. 11/15/1901, *
Spurgeon, Charles R, d. 03/28/1901, MUSICIAN CO L 18TH US INF, Died In Pi Recd Sf On Dix 9/5/1900, Info Fr Old Card, Plot: N ADD556, *
Unsinn, Adam, d. 03/26/1900, PVT CO H 43D USV INF, Recd Sf On Dix 9/5/01, Info Fr Old Card, Plot: NA 676, *
Francis B Bowling
Company K, 6th US Infantry
Repatriated on board the Dix.
Received in San Francisco Sept. 5, 1901.
[Source: War Department QMC Form 14]
James S Calhoun
Repatriated on board the Dix.
Received in San Francisco September 5, 1901.
[Source: War Department QMC Form 14]
Denis Condon
Repatriated on board the Dix.
Received in San Francisco September 5, 1901.
[Source: War Department QMC Form 14]
Roderick Littlefield
Repatriated on board the Dix.
Received in San Francisco September 5, 1901.
[Source: War Department QMC Form 14]
Frank A Smith
Repatriated on board the Dix.
Received in San Francisco September 5, 1901.
[Source: War Department QMC Form 14]
Frank J Smith
Repatriated on board the Dix.
Received in San Francisco September 5, 1901.
[Source: War Department QMC Form 14]
William Hudson Nichols, Jr.
He was an U.S. Marine attached to the Peking Legation Guard under a Major Waller, U.S. Marine Corps.
On 15 November 1898, at the age of 25, he enlisted at Mare Island Navy Yard. In June 1900, at the age of 27, he died while attempting to save the lives of Americans and other innocent victims of the murderous Boxer bandits.
During the month of October, 1901, his father received a letter from Marine Headquarters stating that his son's body had arrived in San Francisco on board the Army Transport Dix, and unless the Corps heard differently from the it was planned to inter the remains at the Presidio National Cemetery in San Francisco. Mr. Nichols immediately wired instructions to have his son's body shipped to Folsom for burial. Sadly, Bill's body had been misplaced. At last his remains were located and some sixteen months after his death young Bill Nichols was laid to rest. His final resting place is the old Odd Fellows Cemetery, now part of the Lakeside Memorial Lawn Cemetery of Folsom. He is buried alongside his mother, who died while he was in China, his father, and an unidentified relative.