Arrival of the Dix.
The United States freight transport
Dix. formerly the Samoa, arrived from
Manila via Nagasaki yesterday. Her only
cargo was the remains of 325 officers,
soldiers, sailors and civilians who died in the Philippines and have been sent here
for final interment. Four of the bodies
are unidentified, owing to the marks and numbers having been removed from the
graves by some vandal. The remains of
Lieutenant Howard M. Koontz, Forty-fourth Volunteer Infantry;
Chaplain J. Leland, First Tennessee Regiment;
Lieutenant D. D. Pasco, Eighteenth Infantry;
Lieutenant Max Wagner, Twenty-sixth Volunteer Infantry, and
First Lieutenant Charles R. Ramsay. Twenty-first Infantry,
were among those brought home.
The cabin passengers on the Dix were:
A. N. Rhodes. J. E. Bell,
A. F. Dunkerton. F. P. Dean,
Walter Marcey,
J. Scoane,
H. R. Dickman,
A. J. Harvey,
S. J. Burch,
W. S. Sigourney,
C. W. Iredale,
B. J. Lucey and
E. C. Hopkins, paymaster's clerks;
Dr. Lee B. Wallace and
Oscar J. Miller, contract engineer.
San Francisco Call, September 6, 1901, Page 7