On April 27, Isidoro Garcia [Isidro Garcia], commissioner of war, to calm the excitement caused by the acts of the general commanding in Concepcion Province, had to order his arrest as his troops were about to mutiny against him (P. I. R., C. 6).

From Page 121 of Demy Sonza's book on Adriano Hernandez:
Another move that the Ilonggo Federalistas (as the proponents of the federal form of government were called) took was to create the province of Concepcion, comprising of the towns within the Military District of Concepcion. For this purpose, the Council of State deputized Gen. Adriano Hernandez and Carlos Ledesma, the auditor of war, as special deputies to organize the government of the new province. The two officers drove to Concepcion and called the local presidents of the towns within the district to assemble in order to elect the officials of the new province. Elected were Isidro Garcia, president; Lucio Barzan, delegate of justice; Mateo Aldeguer, delegate of finance; and Mariano Malapaya, delegate of police. These officials were inducted into office on June 10 in Cabatuan by Jovito Yusay, acting president of the Federal State of the Visayas.