A Correspondent of "The Record"
who participated in the movement
on Panay describes the attitude
of natives - rebels defiant
Special Correspondent of the Chicago Record
Iloilo, Jan. 9 - the City of Iloilo, the second
port in commercial importance of the Philippine
Islands, is situated at the southeastern
extremity of the Island of Panay, 350 miles
by water to the south and eastward of
Last may the city was held by a force of
3,000 Spanish land troops and several small
gunboats, the largest being the Elcano, of 600
tons desplacement. Since that time the
natives of panay, under the leadership of several
able rebel chiefs, have closely besieged
the place. many of the spanish troops were
natives and mostly deserted to the rebel
side. in November the Spanish general, Rios,
fearing the disaffection of the remaining native
troops, put them aboard a merchant steamer
and sent them to Manila, where they were
refused permission to land by the united
states authorities. this left but a few
hundred spanish troops to defend the city, and
the general in command sent to gen. otis
requesting that american troops be sent to
take over the city.
An envoy was sent to notify the Spanish
that the troops would soon arrive, and the
18th Infantry, embarked on the Arizona, the
51st Iowa Volunteers aboard the Pennsylvania
and the Utah battery aboard the Newport
were made ready for the expedition under
the command of gen. M. P. Miller.
The baltimore was ordered by Admiral
Dewey to accompany the transports and give
what naval aid might be necessary.
The start for Iloilo
at 10 p.m. on Dec. 26 the squadron, led
by the Baltimore, left Manila and proceeded
on an uneventful voyage of thirty-six hours
to Iloilo. When half the distance was covered
the interisland steamer Butuan was met and
spoke. aboard her was the envoy sent by
Gen. Otis to the Spanish Commander at Iloilo.
He reported that he had found the city in
the possession of the insurgents, the Spanish
troops having evacuated the town and sailed
for zamboanga, on the southern shores of the
island of mindanao, where the natives of the
moro tribes are of all the polyglot tribes of
the Philippines the most loyal to their
Spanish masters.
This put a new face on the situation, as
the object had been to take over the city from
the spanish at their request, and at this
time it is particularly desirable to all
americans that by no overt act of our forces
hostilities should be begun with the natives.
After a conference between Gen. Miller
and Capt. Dyer of the baltimore, aboard the
newport, the squadron proceeded, hoping to
find the natives tractable and willing
peaceably to give up the place.
The squadron dropped anchor in the snug
harbor of Iloilo on the morning of Dec. 28,
and almost immediately a boat came alongside
the Baltimore with several insurgent
officers, who asked if we had any instructions
for their government from the insurgent
government at Manila.
The Visayans who occupy the central
islands of the philippines are a more
peaceable and tractable people than the fire-eating
tagalos of Luzon, and appear very willing
to accept the American government, but the
influence of the tagalos was exerted upon
them to resist our occupation of Panay.
During the 28th and 29th frequent conferences
took place aboard the newport between
Gen. Miller and the insurgent officials, and
on the morning of the 30th the latter agreed
peaceably to turn over the city and its
government to the american forces, provided
the permission of the aguinaldo government
could be secured.
The natives grow more warlike
The delay raised the hopes of the
insurgents, and, thinking the American forces
were afraid to attack the town, they became
very pronounced in their opposition to our
landing. At the southeastern point of the
town stands a small stone fort of obsolete
pattern. Over this the natives have hoisted
the flag of their so-called filipino republic,
and hundreds of them, working night and
day, have thrown up a double line of
sandbag breastworks, while on the walls of the
fort a few antique iron muzzle-loading
cannon have been mounted.
The native forces number some 8,000 men,
but only about 1,200 have firearms, and
these are of many patterns and mostly old.
At present it is the object of our
government to make a peaceable conquest of the
natives, but in case it becomes necessary to
use force the baltimore's guns could lay the
old fort in ruins and sweep the city and
beach of iloilo from end to end in fifteen
minutes, and the troops under gen. Miller
could then land unresisted, so that the feeble
efforts of the natives for defense are almost
pitiful from a military point of view.
Foreign warships looking on
After it became evident that the native
chiefs would not peaceably surrender the
place Gen. Miller dispatched a small interisland
steamer to Manila, asking for instructions
and requesting an additional regiment
of troops in case it should become necessary
to hold the island of panay by force. upon
the arrival of our forces here we found the
german cruiser irene looking after the
interests of some thirty german subjects, and
the spanish gunboat El Cano came in from
cebu and anchored close to the stone fort,
being apparently on even terms with their
late enemies, the natives.
On the last day of the year the British
cruiser bonaventure came in to look after
british interests, and three days later the
British Gunboat rattler came in and went
out with dispatches from the Bonaventure.
thus iloilo is becoming quite a busy port.
many of the foreigners and most of the native
women and children have left the city in
anticipation of an attack, some going aboard
the vessels in the harbor and others to the
adjacent island of guimeras. Business is
almost at a standstill. As Iloilo is the
shipping port for the rich sugar-growing districts
of panay and negros this interruption of
business comes heavily upon the foreign
business firms which own the plantations and
handle the output, so that all of them are
particularly anxious for the united states
to establish control and insure a stable
The Bonaventure brought advices for the
american land and naval commanders of the
President's proclamation announcing the
acquisition of the Philippine Islands as united
states territory, and orders from gen. otis
not to use forcible measures against the
natives if it could be avoided.
New Year's day at Iloilo
New Year's day passed quietly aboard the
Baltimore and the transports, and a feeling
of impatience permeated the ships from
cabin to forecastle. The soldiers and sailors
felt that they had come to take the city, and
the idea of a peaceable conquest was not
acceptable to them; it looked too much like
giving in to a horde of undisciplined, half-civilized
natives. Yet the thinking ones
among the officers realize that if we can
gain possession by a peaceable understanding
it will save us from years of guerrilla
warfare with a dangerous and elusive foe.
On Jan. 6 the gunboat Petrel arrived from
Manila with dispatches and orders from
Gen. Otis and Admiral Dewey. These orders
still enjoin no hostile movements against
the natives unless it becomes absolutely
necessary for the protection of life and property.
The natives ignorantly ascribe our
inactivity to fear of their forces and are greatly
elated over their prowess. The foreign
residents of iloilo, now taking refuge aboard
merchant vessels in the harbor, unanimously
predict that the only way to overcome the
natives is by force. An english merchant who
has spent many years in these islands says
that the natives are so elated over the defeat
of the spaniards in the philippines, for which
they take all the credit, that they think they
can easily defeat the american forces. it is
a peculiar trait of the malay that what we
call gratitude is entirely absent from his
make-up. Years of oppression under spanish
rule has led the native to think that any one
who treats him with liberality and justice is
devoid of sense. It is on account of this trait
that the natives now give no credit whatever
to admiral dewey's fleet and the army for
the defeat of the spaniards, but ascribe it all
to their own prowess.
Prophecy of fighting
So widespread has this idea become and so
firm is the belief of the natives that the
americans are afraid of them that most of
the intelligent foreigners in the islands
agree that the only way for the united states
to establish their supremacy is by force of
These men, especially the englishmen who
have had great experience with similar tribes
in the far east, say that after one or two
crushing defeats the natives would be cured
of their "swelled heads" and would come
supplicating for mercy.
On the other hand, it is the policy of our
government through its representatives here
to meet the natives as friends, by which
many years of warfare with them could be
Here at iloilo the natives assert that they
will never give in to the American forces,
but are determined to fight to a finish. Since
the arrival of the petrel they fear that with
her light draft the gunboat will steam up the
shallow river, which nearly encircles the
town, and take them in the rear. to prevent
this they have loaded several scows with
stone and scuttled them at the river's
mouth in midchannel, thus playing the
merimac game on the waiting americans.
What the outcome will be is hard to
foretell, but it is safe to say that the natives
here will not agree to a peaceable occupation
of this place by our troops unless aguinaldo's
so-called Malolos government so orders. if
the fight comes it will be short and decisive,
for our warships and trained troops the
undisciplined natives stand no possible
chance of success.
W. D.
Chicago Daily News, 1899-02-20, Page 3