Exhibit 1402.
[Original in Spanish. Copy. P. I. R., Books A. 6]
[Translated from the Visayan.]
Instructions from the Insurrectionary Government to its spies in
Bogo, Cebu, where there is an Americnn detachment. [1900?]
It is advisable for the presidentes to pursue the following policy
for our good:
1st. In the event that the American forces should arrive at your
pueblos, you shall receive them without any resistance, but you will
issue instructions to the police forces to be on good terms with them
in order to gain the confidence of the soldiers and of their officers,
and that they should endeavor to make friends of them in order that
in that way they may discover their wishes and plans, reporting same
at once to the chiefs of guerrillas and to other revolutionaries, in
order that the latter may not be surprised, and in this way peace will
be secured and we will be able to help our defenders who are now
in the mountains; but the presidents and also the deputies and police
shall watch strictly for any revolutionaries who may arrive within the
pueblo and see that no one shall say anything, or that they are spies, or that they have friendly relations with our antagonists, and in case that
anyone is caught doing this he shall be secretly captured and placed
at the disposal of the chiefs of guerrillas. Always advise all of the
inhabitants to continue faithful to our cause and that thus we shall
be able to show our antagonists that in that way we shall be able to
secure the peace of the people.
2nd. The presidentes and the residents of the pueblo should not
show their feelings.
A true translation from the original in Visayan.
(Signed) F. R. FABIE,
[U. S.] Official Interpreter.