Exhibit 1396.
[Original in Spanish. Letter book Commander in Cebu. P.I.R., Books B. 10.]
JUNE 20, 1899.
Circular No.1. Mabolo to Daan Bantayan.
SEŅORES: If, unfortunately, it should happen that the Americans
come to take possession of the town, raising then the starry flag of the
Union and demand the recognition of American sovereignty by the people,
you must refuse to obey such demand, and should force be resorted to
as has been done on various occasions, - you must not interfere, provided
they commit no outrages; but you must be careful not to draw up or
sign any compact or agreement, and within the period of 72 hours fixed by international law to protest against any illegal act which ignores the
rights of a people, in the name of and representing the entire town,
you shall present to the American commander who demands the recognition,
a protest, the same being in accord with the opinion of all the
members of the local board. This you shall formally submit as expressing
the sovereign will of the people set forth in a mass meeting,
which shall be held for this purpose. This protest must be energetic
and manly, on the basis of the one drawn up by the government of
this province upon the surrender of Cebu.
A copy of this protest shall be forwarded to the Provost [Marshall],
that is to say, the American Military Commander in the capital, two
to each consul of the German, Venezuelan and English nations, so that
they may be forwarded at once to their respective governments, and
another copy shall also be sent to the council of this province for
As the basis of the protest you shall adopt the fundamental principles
upon which rests the one submitted by the late provincial president,
Luis Flores, at the time of the occupation of the plaza and port
of Cebu, on the 22nd of February last.
In short, considering the eminent qualities which distinguish you,
I have no fears as to the successful issue of such a delicate matter,
upon which depends the happiness of our future.
Forward from one town to another, the last one returning with
endorsements of compliance from all.
God keep you many years.
EL PARDO, [CEBU], June 20, 1899.