Exhibit 1314.
[Original in Spanish. A.L.S. P.I.R., 52.6.]
To the Secretary of War.
I transmit herewith a copy of the documents that I have sent to
Manila for the Commissioner to Negros, in order that you may retain
them on file in your office.
Yours affectionately,
(Signed) AP. MABINI.
MARCH 23, 1899.
[Copy referred to.]
This National Government having received the information that the
Cantonal Government of the Island of Negros had submitted to the conditions
imposed by the American forces for the occupation of said
Island, and in connection wherewith they are now occupying the Capital
of the same;
And whereas, if such information be true, this National Government
cannot approve the conduct observed by the Cantonal Government, as
the latter has acted without its knowledge and consent and without
considering the wishes the citizens of the Island;
And whereas, the Island has been abandoned by the Cantonal Government
and left in the hands of foreigners, it becomes the duty of
this Government to look to the safety and independence of the same
and the liberty of its inhabitants;
In fulfillment of the sacred duties imposed by God, by my honor
and patriotism, to fight for and secure the independence of the Philippines
Islands unto death, I hereby commission Sr. Zoilo Mauricio to
organize, in the event that the former Cantonal Government of the
Island of Negros has actually admitted the American forces, another
government to direct and establish the necessary defense in order to
prevent the total occupation of the Island, and, if possible, drive the
enemy's forces from the same, said Commissioner being given for the
purpose the powers inherent in a Superior Military Commander of the
Island and that to punish the members of the former Government by
court martial, unless, repenting of their past conduct, they should effectively
aid in carrying out the provisions herein contained.
MALOLOS, March 23, 1899.
The President of the Republic.
The President of the Council of Secretaries.
1. The government suggests to General Juan Araneta and invites
him in a friendly manner not to put a blot upon his brilliant reputation
by an act unworthy of a Filipino. Should said General renew his
allegiance to the National Government with all the forces under his
command, he shall retain his office and the rank of Brigadier General.
2. For the cause of the Philippine nation, the submission of the
Government of Negros to the American forces, without a show of reo
sistance or even a protest, is a terrible blow, because it has broken
the national unity. This act, in view of its importance before foreign.
nations, may be considered as' real treason.
3. The loyal forces of Negros must see to it that the population
does not expose itself needlessly to the attacks of the enemy. They shall
abstain from taking the offensive until they have sufficient arms, confining
themselves to preventing the extension of American occupation.
4. We must endeavor to have the powers understand that all the
Filipinos are completely united by the common aspiration for independence,
and that the American forces are able to occupy only a portion
of our territory due to the superiority of their elements of warfare.
5. And above all, the Commission must suppress with a strong
hand all kinds of abuses, always remembering that if the inhabitants
find greater guaranties of safety to their persons and property under
the American forces, they will not make any sacrifices to have their
own government.
Do not * * * (illegible) of the Americans and learn of the abuses
and acts of force they have committed and continue to commit in the
City of Manila. They must understand that no country has been able
to secure its liberty and independence without much fighting and more
MALOLOS, March 23, 1899