Exhibit 1312.
[ Original in Spanish Contemporary copy. P .I. R. , 1264. 8 ]
APRIL 7, 1901.
In the margin there is a stamp which reads: "Local Presidency of
In the town hall of the town of Garcia, [Panay] on the 7th of April,
1901, the most prominent and honorable persons of this town assembled
in mass meeting presided over by the local chief. After announcing
the session opened the presidente ordered that the Delegate of Justice,
acting as secretary, should read aloud the proclamatdon of February 25th
last, issued by the politico-military governor of this province, the object
being to inform the patriots of Samar that our enemies sought means
to bring about a peaceful solution of the present trouble, and to effect
this they availed themselves of the so-called Federal Party; that the
Honorable Emilio Aguinaldo, superior chief of the nation, refuses absolutely
to accept this means and desires independence solely. Therefore,
the presidente was obliged to convene the present board to learn
the aspirations of each one, whether he does or does not side with the
Federal Party. Those present, after being instructed as to the spirit
of the said association, that it has no object other than the ruin of the
great and sacred interests of the Philippines and to deceive the ignorant,
and furthermore, taking into consideration the present lamentable condition
of the principal town, Garcia, which was burned at midnight by
the Yankees without the slightest reason, and the serious injuries inflicted,
not only in burning the property of the inhabitants when they
were in the field, but also the peril to the lives of the poor pacificos
(peaceable citizens), they stated unanimously and solemnly that unless
the government of the nation orders otherwise, they never would affiliate
with the so-called Federal Government, nor any kind of government
which our enemies may offer, choosing once for all to die rather than
submit to the sovereignty of the North Americans.
And there being no further matters upon which to treat, the act
was announced completed, the present minute being drawn up, signed
by all those who know how, and those who do not making a cross mark
at the end of their names, together with the presidente, to which I,
the secretary, certify.
(Signatures follow.)