[Original in Spanish. L.S. P.I.R., 1171.4.]
Stamp: Military operations of the north, Iloilo.
JANUARY 25, 1901.
To the Expeditionary General, Politico-Military Governor of the province
of Capiz, Sr. Ananias Diocno.
Under date of the 25 instant, No. 299, the following communication
from the General Staff has been received by these Headquarters:
"To the Chief of the 1st. Column, Sr. Quintin Salas. This Headquarters
of the General Staff is in possession of a communication from
the Commander-in-chief, Sr. Martin Delgado, dated 12th instant, bearing
No. 279, in which he reports to me that he and the members of his
guards have surrendered with their arms to the enemy, without having
beforehand given information of such determination to this consultive
body and to the army. Considering that this act is an offense of lese
patrie with the aggravating circumstances of treason and abandonment
of post, desertion with arms, and sedition before the enemy. Considering
that he who must try the case should, in accordance with military rules,
be a colonel in active service, on account of the fact that the defendant
is a brigadier general. Therefore, I have the honor to address you with
the request that you should institute the proper proceedings, which shall
partake of the character of a summary trail, against said General Martin
Delgado for the above stated offenses. And availing myself of the
powers vested in me, I hereby appoint you special investigating judge
for the purpose of instituting and forming a court martial. Inclosed
is herewith a copy of the communication of the surrender, which may
be used as a basis for the title of the proceedings in case you have
not, as yet, received the one which. you ought to receive. God guard
you many years. January 25, 1901. Signed-Francisco Jalandoni, Chief
of the General Staff. There is a stamp which read: Military operations,
Iloilo. General Staff."
Which I transmit it to you with regret for your knowledge and
proper purposes.
God guard you many years for the sake of our Liberty and Independence.
FLYING CAMP, January 28, 1901.
Commander-in-Chief of Guerrillas.