[Original in Spanish. Unsigned draft. P.I.R., 1054.4]
OCTOBER 1, 1900.
The disastrous moral effect produced in the situation of the country
by the innumerable voluntary and other surrenders of prominent persons
who filled important offices under the revolution, is undeniable. A
change of ideals and of nationality as if a change of clothing were made,
a renunciation, impelled by the force of circumstances and by the dictates
of convenience, of their country, their flag and of the dignity of
being honored and free citizens, and the treading under foot of an
oath taken at a most solemn moment on the altar of the country, find
in no Code of the world a commensurate punishment which could satisfy
the honor of a nation outraged in its dearest sentiments, in what is
most sacred in its entire being. Terrible will be the sentence of public
opinion for those who conduct themselves in this manner. The present
age, rife with horrors and crimes, has placed upon the forehead of those
miserable persons the stamp and stigma of prescribed beings, eternally
damned by their kin and brothers; the pages of Philippine history are
horrified on recording those names abhorred by civilization in general,
and the blood shed of so many sainted martyrs, and will incessantly
call for vengeance upon the perjurers; from their graves will come terrible
threatening and prophetic shadows which will fill space with the
cry of "Vengeance and Malediction."
Ah, gentlemen; you opportunists: tremble and fear the penalties
which are reserved to you by your own consciences; reflect on the
morrow of the Philippines and of the generations to come; remember
that your unheard-of and tremendous crime is not washed out either by
tears or blood. Now is the time to return to the original line of conduct
which you have traced upon the best days of the Nation. Hasten to
take shelter under the magnanimous shadow of that tricolored insignia
which waves above the camps of the struggle. Do not be hard hearted:
look and you will see that there is not an inch of ground that is not
soaked with blood nor an atom of the air which is not blackened by the
smoke of battle. It is your brothers, children of the same mother who
go along with their heads held high, and with a serene conscience to
the altar of the sacrifice to give up their lives upon the holocaust of
the country or to have their foreheads crowned with the ever fresh
laurels of victory.
In view of these grave considerations, we hereby formulate the
following articles, which shall have the character and force of law from
the date of their publication:
ARTICLE 1. A period of forty days from date is granted for all civil
and police authorities to retract the oaths of allegiance to the flag
of the United States, and to renounce completely, even at the cost Qf
their lives and interests, the offices which have been conferred upon
them, publicly swearing that they recognize no other sovereignty than
that of the Government of the Philippines.
ART. 2. Those who. have voluntarily presented themselves or surrendered
motu proprio to the American military authorities, later taking
the prescribed oath required of them in order to be considered and
placed in liberty, shall be treated as traitors and perjurers.
ART. 3. Known traitors, and those indifferent to the cause, may be
pardoned, within the period fixed, if they publicly or by virtue of overt
acts show their true repentance for their passed errors.
ART. 4. The three local presidentes and the local board shall unite
in all their administrative functions and proceedings, in order that tbe
enemy may see that there exists a consolidation of ideas and that our
way of working in favor of the propositions of the government which
has constituted them may become patent. They shall never permit that
the star spangled banner shall fly within the municipal jurisdiction, nor
much less shall they take an oath of fidelity to, and in recognition of,
American sovereignty.
Let the foregoing be published for general information.
OCTOBER 1, 1900.