Exhibit 1299.
[Spanish. D.S. P.I.R., 1160.2·l
SEPTEMBER 30, 1900.
To the local Presidentes of Jassi, San Enrique, Dueñas, Dingle, Calinog,
Lambo, and Vuelva.
I have the honor to send you herewith the attached decrees, one of
the 30th of September last and the other of the 1st instant, in order
that you may copy the same and publish them by edicts.-Circulate and
return duly executed.--
Francisco Jalandoni y Habana, Lieutenant Colonel of Infantry of
the National Army of the Philippines and Acting Chief of Staff.
In view of the fact that the time allowed by article 6 of the Regulations
and instructions of the Headquarters of the General Staff, in
harmony with the decree of June 15th last. regarding the compulsory
contribution of war, created for the purpose of meeting the requirements
of the present campaign, has already expired, availing myself of the
powers vested in me by the General in chief, as Acting Chief of Staff,
I hereby decree the following:
ART. 1. After the first of the following month the period for the
issue of certificates of the contribution of war is declared closed.
ART. 2. All those who are obliged to provide themselves with this
personal document, and who should ont have this document when asked
therefor, shall be arrested and sent to the Military Chief of the nearest
detachment, who shall at once make a report to his immediate superior.
ART. 3. The guerrilla chiefs or officers or commanders of flying
columns are obliged to collect the war contribution from all persons
subject thereto within the jurisdiction of their respective military zones,
without regard to class or rank.
ART. 4. The Military Delegates, Local Presidentes and chiefs of the
towns and barrios, may apply to the military chiefs of the nearest detach.
ments if they should need the assistance of armed forces for the examination
of persons not provided with these documents.
ART. 5. The military chiefs to whom persons not provided with certificates
are to be sent, are authorized to investigate the reasons which
the person arrested may allege for not providing himself with his proper
certificate. The circumstances must be carefully considered by the military
ART. 6. Those who, through malice or negligence, shall fail to comply
with their duties of citizenship and patriotism, shall be declared
in default or indifferent to the common cause, and crimes of this character
are tried by the military.
Given in the camp of the flying column on September 30, 1900.