Exhibit 1292.
[Original in Spanish. Contemporary copy. P. I. R ., 1062 . 1.]
PANAY, July 1, 1900.
On this date I hereby order as follows:
1st. From this date the corps operating in this province of Iloilo,
shall be divided into five columns, to be called the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and
4th Guerrilla Columns, the 5th column, Escort to the General-in-Chief.
2nd. Quintin Salas, Protasio Mondejar, Nicolas Roses, Generoso Solinap
and Pedro Derroca are appointed Chiefs of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and
4th clumns and of the Escort respectively.
3rd. From this date all distinction is abolished between field and
line officers in active service; and in exchange those shall be styled
guerrilla chiefs who according to the former organization had the rank
of major to colonel, and guerrilla officers those having the rank of
from second lieutenant to captain, this will be without prejudice to the
right to wear the shoulder straps distinctive of their former rank.
4th. It is obligatory on all the chiefs, commissioned and noncommissioned officers and privates in active service to wear daily the uniform
prescribed in the decree in force issued by the Captain-General of
the army of Luzon.
5th. If a guerrilla column or section thereof bearing arms, should
go on matters pertaining to the service into the territory of another
detachment or zone, the commanding officer of the former is obliged
to report to the chief of the latter, who shall demand his commission
issued in due form from the headquarters of the general staff, as evidence
of his character; without this requisite the chief of the zone or
detachment shall hold him and make immediate official report through
the regular channels to the chief of the column to which the intruder
is attached.
6th. In the event of any engagement, the chief, officer or sergeant,
who in the midst of the firing deserts his guerrilla column or section
thereof without the order for the retreat being given by the proper
officer, shall be subject to a most summary court-martial, and if found
guilty, shall be dishonorably discharged for cowardice, or receive other
punishment, even that of death, according to the circumstances of his
7th. The first chiefs of guerrilla columns shall keep a daily record
of operations or movements of the column, and at the end of the month
shall send a true copy of it with a statement of all additions or losses
to the column tb the headquarters of the general staff.
8th. Consecutive numbering of communications and official reports
is obligatory, for which purpose a headquarters register or copying
book shall be opened.
9th. Each chief of column in questions relating to settlement of
payrolls and regular and special expenses of headquarters shall treat
directly with the militarY commissions (Delegacion) of the nearest zone,
issuing a receipt in favor of the same, and the payrolls shall be drawn
up in duplicate although without the approval of the headquarters of
the general staff.
10th and last. A commission shall be appointed from the corps
composing the general staff to inspect the zones and detachments, and
the first chief of the column shall be liable for any fault committed
through negligence or remissness in complying with this order.
Copies of this order are to be made for distribution among the
officers of guerrillas. Communicate it to them for general information and
strict compliance.
Given in the guerrilla camp, July 1, 1900.
Acting Chief of Staff.
There is a stamp which reads: Military Operations of Panay -
General Staff.
A true copy.