Exhibit 1289,
[Original in Spanish. D. S. P. I. R. , 881 8.]
JUNE 1, 1900.
To the Guerrilla Chief, Seņor NICOLAS ROSES:
It has been noticed with much regret that in the present war against
the common enemy there are some of our brothers who, some from
convenience, others to satisfy personal vengeance, and very few from
conviction, have wandered from the straight path of duty and honor,
surrendering voluntarily to the enemy to serve as instruments by which
he may carry out his criminal intentions. In view thereof, and considering
the enormous harm which conduct so depraved might bring upon
their fellow citizens in particular and to the country and cause in general,
and, also, that this injury cannot be atoned for except with one's life
and the confiscation of his property, if there be any; by virtue
of the ample powers conferred upon me by the General-in-Chief, as acting
Chief of Staff, in accordance with the instructions issued by the
board of chiefs on the 26th ultimo, and whereas, lastly, military operations
have begun, the campaign and all kinds of warfare call for an
expenditure of large sums to meet these necessities; now therefore in
view of the reasons above expressed I hereby decree the following:
ARTICLE 1. All guerrilla chiefs and chiefs of zones are authorized
from the date of the publication of this decree to carefully ascertain
if in the districts comprised in their zones there are any men of Philippine
nationality who have entered the ranks of the enemy to serve
as spies, guides or purveyors of information merely to injure the common
cause of the country.
ART.2. In the sad event of there being men of the class stated in
the previous article, military chiefs and chiefs of zones are obliged to
institute summary proceedings in their respective zones for the pursuit
and capture of such individuals, and when effected, they will proceed
in accordance with military justice, making report to these headquarters
of the general staff as to the findings of the court-martial.
ART. 3. The penalties indicated in the military codes shall be enforced
against every kind of traitor to the cause; and in the event of
their not being captured while the present war lasts, their property,
personal and real, shall be turned over to the mnitary authority of the
zone, who is empowered to use the same for the urgent needs of the
campaign, or as he may deem proper, provided that it be devoted to
the service of the war; and provided further that the proper report
shall be rendered to these headquarters of the general staff for the
proper purposes.
Publish in the native dialect in public places for general information.
Given in the guerrilla camp, June 1, 1900.
Acting Chief of Staff.