Exhibit 1263.

[Original in Spanish. D.S. P.I.R., 311.1]

Stamp: Expeditionary Brigade, Headquarters.

No. 525.

CAPIZ, August 25, 1899.


Through your worthy self I have the honor to communicate to the President of the Republic the result of the commission conferred upon me by the decree of April 27 of the present year, issued in San Isidro.

The dissolution of the Federal Council of Iloilo was ordered by said decree, and I was directed to come to an agreement with the Politico-Military Governor of said province for the selection of the Politico-Military Governor of Antique; but notwithstanding the fact that said decree was received in said province, the Federal Council is still acting and the election has taken place because the Governor of Iloilo believes it prudent not to carry out the provisions of the decree for the present, as it is not a question of passions, but of the theories and systems which a people' support.

I further have to communicate to the President, that now more than ever are the political machinations of the Federals of Iloilo developing in the Island of Panay; and as I am ready to carry out all that I am ordered to do by the said decree, it appears to me that the authorities of the province of Iloilo, are to a certain extent backward, which does not speak very well for the union which should exist among all the Filipinos during this time fo suspense for the country.

As a consequence of the machinations of the Federals who are secretly sending special commissioners to some towns of this province, a slight disorder is already noted; it appears that the towns nearest the District of Concepcion, where a new military government has been established in accordance with the federal institutions, are separating themselves from the jurisdiction of this province.

In economic affairs, I regret to have to inform the Honorable President that this province is one of those which is at the present time in a state of poverty, and due to this anomaly it is impossible to collect the citizen certificate tax, and, consequently it often occurs that even the most pressing requirements of the Government remain unsatisfied. This is all that I have to communicate to you in fulfillment of my duty.

God preserve you many years.

CAPIZ, August 25, 1899.

Politico-Military Governor.