Exhibit 1254.
[Original in Spanish. Incomplete document. P. I. R. 117.2]
Seal: Republican Government - General Headquarters of the Visayas. - No. 122.
[MAY 31, 1899?]
To the Honorable President of the Philippine Republic and Captain General
of the Armies of the nation, Seņor Emilio Aguinaldo.
Greeting and independence.
I have the high honor of addressing you this letter in order to inform
you of what has occurred in this province by reason of a clash between
the military authorities and the provincial headquarters, on account of
the refusa1 of the latter to comply with the provisions of the second paragraph
of article 8, of the organic decree ordered published by you June
18, 1898, and in order you may understand the matter better, I send you
the minutes of the mass meeting held in this town for the purpose of
seeking a temporary solution of the matter, until you should decide. I
send also the communications exchanged between these General Military
Headquarters of the Visayas and the Provincial Headquarters of Antique.
By reason of the outbreak of hostilities between our country and the
Americans, I desired to assume the powers of Provincial Commander, in
order to facilitate in so far as possible the military action for the better
attainment of the purposes of the campaign and to further the wishes
of yourself and of every honest Filipino who desires to repulse with
arms the brutal imposition of its sovereignty by that nation which is at
present our enemy; but the President of the Provincial Council objected,
under the pretext that the province is not threatened, when the truth
is, as you know, that everywhere the Americans are appearing. There
was no reason for this refusal and in order not to impede the course of
the campaign and decide the matter by the speediest means possible, on
account of the impossibility of waiting for the reso1ution of yourself and
of the government, I called a mass meeting of the local presidentes, delegates
and heads of all the towns of this province, in order that they
might decide what might be proper, and you may see the result of the
meeting in the minutes, which as I have stated, are enclosed herewith.
These are not the only reasons that have impelled me to assume the powers
of provincial commander, but there were others which are of more interest
and benefit for the country; in the first place, because requiring some
funds to support the army, said President has not been able to collect
any contributions whatever, and in the second place, because his conduct
and acts as provincial chief are not such as will redound to the honor
of the Republic, but on the contrary they discredit it to such an extent
as to cause a general discontent throughout the province, which, if it had
been permitted to continue would have become an insurrection against
our government; in order to prevent such an occurrencc, you will bc the
judge of whether I did wel1 in assuming the powers of Provincial commander.
And in order to keep you informed of my mi1itary and political
administration in this province, I transmit herewith also the reports of
the representatives of the towns. In the imposition of taxes * * * [Remainder
of letter missing.]