Exhibit 1223.

[Contemporary copy in Spanish. P. I. R. , Books. C. 1 . ]

MALOLOS, January 27, 1899.


Upon the formation of the new cabinet, it addressed a letter dated the 4th instant to General Martin Delgado, informing him that the government was disposed to accept provisionally the form of government which the Visayans might establish suitable to their necessities upon the basis of a Republic, charging him to make the same known to the council which may have been formed in Iloilo and in Negros, to the end that the inhabitants of these islands might understand that the central government sacrificed everything for national unity, the strongest bulwark against the ambitions of the strong.

Since then documentary notice in detail has been received of the constitution of the Federal Council of Iloilo and of the Cantonal government of the Island of Negros, and besides the Congress wherein are provisionally represented the Visayas and Mindanao has decreed the political constitution of the State, establishing a unitarian republic, though under a provisional character until ratified by the true representatives of those Islands elected therein.

In view of these difficulties, the Government seeking a satisfactory solution of so important and delicate a question, and avoiding anything that might place the integrity of the nation in danger and encourage the incendiary torch wielded by the ambitious foreigner; confides more than ever in the undoubted patriotism of the Visayans, in their intelligence and sound sense so amply proven, and in their adhesion to the National Government exhibited so many times, has thought it expedient to commission the lawyer Sr. Jose Ner that, arriving at an understanding with the well known patriot Sr. Raymundo Melliza and appealing for his efficient co-operation, he propose to the Federal Council of Iloilo and to the Cantonal Government of the Island of Negros the carrying out of the following arrangement:

1. Oath of allegiance to the constitution and the proclamation of the Philippine Republic throughout the Visayan Islands and the inauguration in the province of Panay and Negros of the regime established by the decree of June 18, last, already adopted in the other islands.

2. The election by three military commissioners designated by the Federal Council in Panay, two military commissioners designated by the Cantonal Government of Negros and one Military Commissioner designated by the provincial council of Cebu, of a Commanding General for all the Visayas and of a superior military chief in each of the provinces of the three islands cited. When said chiefs are elected each of them will submit to this government a general recommendation of the chiefs and officials under his orders, for the purpose of issuing the respective commissions.

3. The creation of a council of delegates of the Visayas similar to the Board of Defence created in Mindanao, consisting of two delegates named by the provincial council with the concurrence of the Superior Military Chief of each province, the Commanding general of the Visayas presiding. This Council will fix its place of residence on any of said islands.

The Council shall exercise the delegation of the National Government until such time as the independence of the Philippines is recognized in all matters pertaining to the adoption of measures and resolutions conducive to the defense and security of the islands and to the inspector of all branches of the public administration. It shall also be charged with the supreme direction of the same and shall determine upon all the questions submitted by provincial authorities by delegation of the National Government, when for any cause communication with the same is interrupted.

In all cases the resolutions of the Board shall be provisional, until approved by the National Government.

MALOLOS, January 27, 1899.

(No signature.)