Exhibit 1205.

[Original in Tagalog. A.L.S. P.I.R., 512.5.]

DECEMBER 24, 1898.

Señor PRESIDENT: Sr. Ner came here and made to us the following statements:

As, according to information received from the merchants, the Americans thought that he was a Visayan, he was recently summoned by General Otis in order to ask him whether the people there, [in the Vlsayas] are antagonistic toward the Americans. He replied that they are not angry with anybody, provided their liberty was not threatened.

General Otis further stated that he asked him that question in view of the request of the foreign and Spanish merchants at Iloilo that the Americans should occupy that city to protect them and to insure the safety of their property. He will send a telegram to Washington consulting his government in the matter, and if he is ordered to occupy the Visayan islands he will again summon Sr. Ner.

Before the end of the interview, our compatriot stated to General Otis that if their motives in occupying Iloilo were only to protect the interests of the foreign merchants, the Visayan people are willing to guaranty them with their property and wealth, thus showing him that we are able to maintain the order and tranquility over there. He was also asked concerning the number of arms of the revolutionists in the Visayas; he replied that they are as many as the people there.

After the interview he came to Mololos for the purpose of informing you of his interview; but as he was unable to see you because you were then very busy, he stated everything to Sr. Sandico in order that the latter may convey the information to the government.

Yesterday he was again summoned by General Otis, who read to him the translation of a telegram from his government ordering him to occupy Iloilo. The general requested him to intercede with the Visayan revolutionists in order to avoid any shedding of blood. They are awaiting for his reply to-day until 2 o'clock p.m., and they have already reserved for him four state-rooms on board of a man-of-war which is to sail to-morrow. He requested information as to what action he should take, whether he should or not go with the Americans, and whether he should or not be a mediator.

As there was no chance left me to consult upon the matter with you, I summoned the council of government. At our meeting were present only Sr. Trias, Alas, and Canon, the other secretaries being absent.

We agreed that they should not be permitted to land in places already taken by us, even if an outbreak of hostilities is necessary. But in regard to places occupied by the Spaniards, as the Port of Iloilo, we consider that if the Spaniards surrender to them the place and we insist upon hav. ing the same there will be a useless war, we deemed it wise to send him there in order to tell the revolutionary chiefs that if the Americans persisted in occupying any place held by the Spaniards, they should yield on condition that they ·would promise to occupy it only to protect the foreign interests and not to take possession of it, and in case the Americans refuse such condition, they should publish a manifesto protesting against such action. We directed him also to endeavor to have our troops permitted to enter the port of Iloilo, and not like what has happened in Manila.

He told us that it would be better to have some one of this government go with him, to testify the people of Iloilo that everything he says to them are the wishes of our government, and that he will manage to have the Americans kept ignorant of such person being an envoy of the Filipino government. It is necessary for said person to call on him at No.6 Calle Salinas, prolongation of Calle Elcano, Binondo, to-morrow at 10 o'clock a. m., in order to secure transportation.

I leave to your judgment the selection of the person whom you think is most trustworthy, if you agree with what I have herein stated. You should also give him instructions as to the best measures he should take there.

Sr. Ner has heard rumors to the effect that the Americans will occupy Iloilo, Cebu, Mindanao and Negros. He thinks that he will be able to dissuade the Americans from going to Negros. It is also said that the Americans will occupy Legazpi.

Order your obedient servant.

(Signed) AP. MABINI.

[NOTE BY COMPILER.-P.I.R. 9.8 shows that on Dec. 23rd, 1898, Aguinaldo left Malolos to spend a few days in Cavite Viejo and left routine matters in the hands of Mariano Trias, all important matters were to be kept until his return.]