Exhibit 1196.
[Original in Spanish. D.S. P.I.R., Books C. 6 . ]
JARO [PANAY], November 21st, 1898.
In the city of Jaro at 9 p.m. of the date above mentioned. Present,
the officials of the Revolutionary Government, the General-in-Chief of the
Liberating Army, the General-in-Chief of the Central Zone the General-
in-Chief of the Northern Zone, the General Staff and other Chiefs
and Officials.
The meeting was called as a result of the negotiations commenced by
his excellency Seņor Diego de los Rios, Governor General of these islands,
through the Council on Reforms acting as agents for said General Rios,
to treat with the Revolutionary Regional Government of the Visayan
Islands concerning an agreement for the suspension of hostilities; and
said Government had come for the purpose of taking possession of both
the civil and military branches of said Revolutionary Government, accompanied
by the citizen General-in-Chief of the Liberating army, the
General-in-Chief of the Central Zone, and the General-in-Chief of the
Northern Zone and the troops under his command.
The meeting was held in the town-hall of this city, The preliminary
discourse was delivered by citizen Vice President Vicente Franco,
and immediately afterwards, by unanimous consent, delivery was made
both of the military and civil administrations of the city.
The citizen President of the Revolutionary Government, Seņor Roque
Lopez, then took the floor, and, in the use of his powers and with the
consent of all present, stated that the Ayuntamiento of this city organized
in accordance with Spanish law should cease in work of municipal
organization, and would be replaced by the system decreed by the
Central Revolutionary Government of Manila; and he further stated
that the laws decreed by said Central Revolutionary Government of Manila
would be enforced in their entirety.
There being no further business before the meeting for transaction,
the President declared the session closed, whereupon these minutes were
drawn up and signed by the citizens making up the Revolutionary Government,
and also by the General-in-Chief of the Liberating Army, the
General of Division and Chief of the Central Zone, the General-in-Chief
of the Northern Zone, the General Staff, subaltern Chiefs and Officials
of the Revolutionary Army; to which I, the General Secretary of the
Presidential Headquarters and of the Departments of Government, certify,
Vice President.
and 16 others,
NOTE.-I, the undersigned, Alcalde-Vice President of the Spanish
Ayuntamiento, in the name of the corporation which I represent, do approve
the delivery of possession of this city and of the State and Municipal
buildings made on this the 21st day of November, 1898, by the
Revolutionary Government and the Army of the same as set forth in the
foregoing minutes; in proof whereof I sign this note on the date herein