Exhibit 1194.
[Original in Spanish. D.S. P.I.R., Books C.6.]
SANTA BARBARA [PANAY], November 20, 1898.
Presidential Palace of Santa Barbara. Present, the Junta of Government
in ordinary session presided over by citizen Vicente Franco,
Councilor of Government and Vice President of the same, acting in the
absence of President Roque Lopez.
Sr. Franco placed before those present for their consideration the
matter of military rank to be accorded Sr. Roque Lopez, formerly Secretary
of War of the Revolutionary Committee and Sr. Venancio Concepcion,
formerly a major in the Spanish army and who had command
of the Corps of Organized Volunteers. Sr. Franco stated that during
the time that the Central Revolutionary Committee was conspiring for
the preparation of the revolution, Sr. Lopez organized and prepared our
forces at present serving as our Liberating Army, by assisting them
with both arms and money, and by performing other military acts which
placed his life in grave danger under the Spanish Government; and
that it was for this same reason that he had been appointed Secretary
of War of the Committee. His military ability was proven by the fact
that he had been Chief of the Jaro Volunteers, which, though they may
have seemed to have been organized for the purpose of maintaining
order under the Spanish Government, Sr. Lopez was in fact organizing
and preparing to one day defend the holy cause of our independence, as
the authorities can now plainly see; and hence it was that this gentleman
obtained by popular suffrage the office of President of the Revolutionary
Government. These were the grounds offered for consideration
of the Junta to assist it in deciding the military rank to be given Sr.
Roque Lopez.
With regard to Sr. Venancio Concepcion, his merits are unquestionable;
for though he at present holds the Treasury portfolio, due to his
knowledge of finance, he had also been a soldier of fame, and had been
appointed under the Spanish Government as Commanding Chief of Organizeed
Volunteers. As a revolutionary, his efforts for independence were
sincere and of long standing. His policy during the conspiracy was of
dissimulation and through this means he smoothed in no small degree
the road on which in its glorious course this revolution was to pass.
He brought over to our cause all the troops under his command with
their arms and ammunition. He also brought us citizen Perfecto Poblador,
now General of Division of our army. He was assisted in these steps
by Sr. Vicente Franco, then Attorney for the Committee.
In view of the foregoing the Junta of Government resolved unanimously
to confer the rank and honors of Lieutenant general of the Army on
Citizen·President Roque Lopez, and General of Division of the Army
on Citizen Venancio Concepcion.
It was then unanimously decided to especially commission citizen
Ramon Avanceņa, Councilor of State, to advocate the approval of the
constitution of Our Provisional Government before the Government of the
Philippine Republic; and that he take with him instructions for that
purpose, aiming at securing a guarantee of our union with the Philippine
Republic under the Presidency of the Honorable Citizen Emilio Aguinaldo,
and such other minor details as in memorials of this nature may be
decided on.
The commission to be conferred by the Government on Sr. Franco,
will consist in the power to organize the towns of this Province in accordance
with the constitution of the Philippine Republic, and he shall
preside over the elections of Local Juntas, for this time, which are to
cover the next term of office, which will begin with the year 1899. His
commission shall also extend to the organization of the civil Registry
and the inspection of Public Schools and Colleges were there are any;
and of all the other branches of the Treasury and War Department,
for the last of which, however, he shall consult with the General-Chiefs
of Zone. He shall also endeavor to organize clubs for the spread of
learning among the masses in a practical manner.
It was further resolved in this same session that during the absence
of Sr. Avanceņa, Sr. Yusay of the Department of Grace and Justice,
should take charge of the Department of State; and that during the
absence of Sr. Franco, Sr. Salas, the General Secretary, should take charge
of the Department of Government.
There being no further business before the meeting, the session was
closed and these minutes signed by those present to which the General
Secretary, certify.
Presiding temporarily, Councilor of Government.
Councilor of State.
(And four other signatures.)