Exhibit 1187.

[Tagalog draft in handwriting of E. Aguinaldo. P.I.R., 481.8.]

MALOLOS, 4th November, 1898.

Sr. Don RAYMUNDO MELLIZA: The contents of your two letters dated 1st and 2nd of the present month, are noted, and our revolutionary government rejoices over the victories achieved there by our troops, as also over the union of all, etc., etc.

I wish you to inform me if our expeditionary troops have as yet disembarked at Capiz, from two steamers under command of Don Ananias Diocno.

Probably the movement has begun, and many towns already are in our power; they should not hesitate but go right on, giving the enemy no time to intrench, and improving the opportunity of filling them with sudden fright and terror.

Let the attack on Iloilo, the capital, be a surprise, making use of bolos daggers and clubs, so as to avoid as many casualties as possible, as if the attack should have to be made with rifles they would begin to fire at a long distance from the town and it is easy to see that the same would not be taken quickly in that event. Therefore, surprise is better and none will be engaged in it but those of the town itself, in the following manner: Convene inhabitants of the town, in number equal to the fourth part of that of the Spaniards and divide them into platoons equal also in number to the posts or barracks of the same. Besides this, let there be five or six men, previously instructed who will enter two at a time into the barracks, carrying with them presents for the commanders under the pretext of asking a pass or of denouncing certain revolutionists and diverting them by such means.

Before all this is done, fix upon an hour, say 12 o'clock daytime, and instantaneously and simultaneously let the attack begin. Apart from all this, let there be in the same way persons charged with dissuading the people of the town from giving that assistance which they. might feel it their duty to give to their brethren engaged in battle. Direct them to call out in a loud voice to the people, not to be afraid, and other words which may serve to cheer their hearts and stimulate their courage. Endeavor to secure the sentinels and commanders; if they will not surrender, kill them. Also, secure the armories, which being done, the arms found there may be taken by our men. Those who are to fight, or to help those who previously entered the barracks, should look out well, and charge those who carried the presents, that they shall under no circumstances take a rifle; bolos are preferable in a hand to hand conflict while they are mixed together. At all parts, they will use but the bolo and will be merciful to our compatriots, the native Filipino soldiers, persuading them to unite with us, shouting in a loud voice the words "The Visayas and Filipinos are not enemies," and I am convinced that victory will be almost certain; on the contrary, if timidity should prevail, nothing will be accomplished; but Filipinos are far from being of a cowardly nature when defense of their country is in question, especially the Visayans.

In view of this, I entertain the hope that you will not allow the Spanish Government to continue there any longer, nor allow them to fortify and renew their courage. I repeat, carry this out in a short time, and if you obey me, it is advisable that the 10th of this month shall not go before they are prevented from constructing more entrenchments, as above mentioned. Families should not leave their respective houses but dig holes where they can take refuge from the bullets and bury their money in the ground so that it may not be discovered.

Brothers, take courage, for in 20 minutes the battle will be over and the Spaniards will have. surrendered, if you follow the methods I have described above, and such others as may appear to you to be conducive to final success; also, we shall probably have no casualties. I can not now, send you an expeditionary force, seeing that the "General Alava's" guns are commanding Isla Verde (Batangas), besides which, the Americans will not allow me at present, to send expeditionary forces to you; and for these reasons, do not look for the third expedition; still if the opportunity presents itself, I will of course send it. In case the Americans, or any foreign fleet, should anchor there, or at any place on the coasts of our jurisdiction, you will not permit them to land their troops, happen what may, but you will use friendly means and show them that their insisting upon landing will entail fatal consequences. Nor will you fail, for any reason, to distribute these instructions to all the towns on the coast. Neither will you permit the foreigners to go into the interior of the province, especially those who pretend to be selling jewelry or books, which possibly would be but a pretext in order to make a map or sketch of the town. On the other hand you will respect and protect alll foreigners and their interests: such as the stations of the submarine cable.

In the said stations, you will ,have two persons who understand foreign languages, to censor the telegrams that should not be allowed to be forwarded and which may be unfavorable to our Government.

American and other foreign editors in Europe speak disparagingly of us, averring that we are not yet able to govern ourselves for lack of unity, especially the Visayans, who are not given to revolution, and they believe in dividing the Islands as they think best. On account of this it behooves us to secure good order and unity. Through foreign newspapers, I ordered the denial of those assertions, especially ofter your commission arrived here.

The local presidentes of the towns already taken, will continue in their respective duties with the exception of those whom the people ask to be relieved for bad conduct; do not do as we did here.

If the submarine cable of Capiz is in our hands, you will communicate at all times with this Government. If the matter is confidential, you will send the telegram in Visayan, and you will sign the name of Munda.

You will see that none of the telegraph stations or wires are destroyed, and those already cut, you will order to be repaired immediately to the end that there may be prompt communication between your posts. You also will organize a postal system like that of the Spaniards; I will soon send you interior postage stamps.

All the Spanish prisoners will be treated with consideration but you are not to set them at liberty. As to the Friars, and the bishop, they will be well watched. The nuns and ladies will not be considered as prisoners of war.

Endeavor to collect a good sum from the contributions of war and send by draft here or to Hongkong in favor of D. C. Lichauco, 27 Morrison Hill, Wanchay, as early as practicable so that the expedItIOn may be made.

Be careful in every way possible, to avoid civil war between the revolutionists, because the foreigners only wait justification for doing what has previously been expressed. Here, our Government is very quiet, as also the towns of its jurisdiction.

Capture alive, General Rios and others. Do not kill them, if it can be avoided. A grand fish is he; that is to say he is a good guarantee for our people.

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