Exhibit 1185.

[Original in Spanish. A.D.S. P.I.R., 351.6 . ]


From 1889 to 1892 he was the agent of Sr. Jose M. Basa introducing in the Visayas the books, "Noli Me Tangere" and the "Filibustero," also publication and all kinds of pamphlets against the monastic and governing orders of the Philippines, devoting himself later on to the spreading of progressive ideas.

The insurrection having been declared in Luzon, he directed the separatist movement in the Visayas, and succeeded in preparing the minds of the masses, although with greatest difficulties and danger to himself.

To further perfect his work, he formed a company of volunteers for active service which supported itself, with the apparently desired object of maintaining public order in the towns and defending the integrity of Spain.

Having gained the absolute confidence of General Rios, be became informed of all the plans and the most intimate secrets of the said General, and he transmitted them immediately to the committee, in this manner preventing the capture of many of its members.

In his military expeditions through the pueblos he took the opportunity to prepare them to respond energetically and earnestly at the very moment of the movement, as in effect, did occur.

He succeeded in drawing to his side the chief, Perfecto Poblador, WIth more than 4,000 men, preserving all their arms for the service of

the common cause, this act being accomplished on the day assigned, the 15th of November, with frantic enthusiastic cries for liberty and independence, before a portrait of the Honorable President Aguinaldo. This glorious occurence took place on the slope of Yating mountain, (Capiz) in the presence of more than 7,000 people.

The Spanish Government flattered by the action of Poblador and his people, acknowledging the services of the undersigned, conferred upon him the rank of Major with the assimilated rank of the same grade in the regular army, with the accompanying privileges and honors, investing him, at the same time with the order of Isabel the Catholic, besides the cross of Maria Cristina and two red crosses which he already possessed.

The insurrectionary movement in the province of Iloilo having been forestalled through force of circumstances, and the existence of the committee of the Visayas having been discovered, the undersigned, without having taken up arms in any case against the revolution, and being Commander of Column with two officers and forces under his order, duly armed and equipped, passed over to the revolutionary troop's, sharing all with the same from the first moment of the military operations, until the occupation of the province and port of Iloilo.

For the meritorious acts and services above related, the undersigned was honored by the provisional government of the Visayas with the office of Secretary of the Treasury, and rank of General of Division on the 17th and 20th of last November, respectively, according to acts drawn to that effect, and was also made Representative for Capiz December 22nd, which offices he discharged at the same time, when he was named as one of the members of the commission that presented itself to the Government of Malolos on February 1st, composed of Messrs. Avanceņa, Gella, Hernandez and the undersigned.

Taking oath as to the authenticity of the foregoing facts, under the penalties of the law, and bending himself to produce at the proper time the necessary proof, the present document is signed at the Binondo March the twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety.nine.


*Must be Venancio Concepcion