Voluntary statement of William Sullivan, late first lieutenant Company F, Twenty-sixth Volunteer Infantry.
My name is William Sullivan, late first lieutenant of Company F, Twenty-sixth Volunteer Infantry. I was born in Ireland. My home address is 14 Whitney street, Manchester, N. Y. I am 36 years of age, and am employed as a mail carrier.
Some time, I believe, in the latter part of November I was ordered to take 40 men and report to Captain Brownell on the gunboat Paragua. I understood that Captain
Brownell had applied to General Hughes for me on this detail. When I reached the gunboat with my detachment I found that there was a native prisoner confined on the boat. Some time previous to this I understood that there was three men detailed to guard this prisoner. When I got to the boat it was about 9 o'clock in the evening; this prisoner was on board, and was in charge of this detachment until he was delivered at Banate the next morning to Captain Brownell. Captain Brownell was on the boat and was in command of the expedition.
At this time I did not know who this prisoner was, but I heard some of the men say that it was a padre. I did not know that this was the Padre Augustine until some few days later, when I heard it rumored by some of the officers at Banate that this man, the prisoner, was treasurer-general of the insurgents on the island of Panay. While at Banate the prisoner was confined in a room in the building occupied by the officers' quarters. I did not speak with the prisoner.
I operated with several expeditions in and around the country where this Padre Augustine was located previous to his removal from the town of Molo. I understood that he was an active insurgent.
When I left Banate I understood that Padre Augusline was still confined in the officers' quarters.
I never saw the water cure given to this padre, nor did I at any time direct that the water cure be given to the Padre Augustine or any other person while I was in the service of the United States Government.
William Sullivan.
Subscribed and sworn to this 17th day of October, 1902, at Manchester, Vt., before me.
E. Hunter,
Judge-Advocate, U. S. Army.