Manila, Feb. 24.

Among the passengers by the transport Newport which arrived on Tuesday from Iloilo, was Sergeant J. W. Saunders of the 18th infantry, who is on his way to the United States on a furlough. The sergeant gave the following brief account of the second engagement to an American reporter yesterday :—

"The sun rose bright and early the morning of the 12th, and we were congratulating each othor on the fall of the city the day before, with not a casualty, when we received orders to proceed to Jaro where the insurgents, had strong entrenchments.

To reach Jaro we had to cross the bridge that spans the Iloilo riven to the North of the city. The line of formation was now the 18th Regiments to the right and supported by the provisionary battery that was formed from the 18th under the command of Lieutenant Bowles of Co. F. The Tennessee Regiment to the left and Battery G of the 6th Artillery.

The advance was now made on Jaro; the insurgents opened fire at long range, when the batteries replied. Volley after volley was now poured into their ranks, and the batteries were tearing holes in their entrenchments.

From the river to Jaro the native huts proved safe places for their sharp-shooters, until the command was given to shell and destroy everything that furnished shelter for them.

The Tennessee's pressed forward and the insurgents retreated to the under brush, out of range, leaving their entrenchments to the Americans.

During this engagement, the following were the casualties: Sergeant Jenning, of Company A, 18th, Corporal Brigsby of Company F, 18th, killed; and four members of the same regiment wounded, the Tennessee's and 6th Artillery having none.

The loss on the insurgent side was heavy, but they only left 150 dead for the Americans to bury, carrying the rest off, and a prisoner who came in after the engagement informed us there were over 350 wounded on the insurgent side.

The Americans are now strongly entrenched at Jaro and hold the key of the situation, which the insurgents realize, as all has been quiet since."

Northern Territory Times and Gazette (Darwin, NT : 1873 - 1927), Friday 17 March 1899, page 3