MANILA. (Received November 24, 1899-9.22 a. m.)
Estado Federal de Bisayas
This letterhead was in a letter from Cabatuan, Iloilo,
the capital of the Estado Federal de Bisayas
from Feb. 12 1899 when Iloilo City and Jaro fell,
to Sept. 23 1899 when the Estado was dissolved.
After which, Cabatuan remained the capital of the
Politico-Militar Gov't of Gen. Martin Delgado y Bermejo
until Nov. 23, 1899 when Cabatuan was captured
by Gen. Hughes.
Cabatuan Iloilo as Revolutionary Capital
Casualties not previously reported: Killed—In advance on Pavia, P. I., November 21, Howard W. Lowe, sergeant, G, Sixth Artillery; William S. Addy, F, Eighteenth Infantry. In action near Barrio Tenabang, 11th, Thomas E. Gardner, L, Seventeenth Infantry. Wounded—Charles E. Hapner, I, Seventeenth Infantry, right thigh, moderate; 10th, John E. Miller, A, Seventeenth Infantry, right chest and abdomen, severe. In action at Mandurriao, Panay, Joseph (?) Casey, B, Eighteenth Infantry, left thigh, slight. In action near Jaro, Panay, Richard P. Corbett, C, Twenty-sixth Infantry, neck, severe; 18th, James E. Rooney, head, severe. In action at Anabo, Luzon, Paul P. Phenuer, F, Eleventh Cavalry, left thigh, moderate; Edward Johnson, head, moderate; William W. Hinman, corporal, right leg, moderate.
Otis, Nov 24 1899, 0922am, Casualties
MANILA. (Received December 3, 1899-6.45 a. m.)
Following deaths since last report: Drowned—Rio Grande, October 27, Clem Bonaparte, K, Twenty-fourth Infantry. Acute dysentery—November 26, Thomas Smith, K, Twenty-second Infantry; 27th, Thomas B. Wall, E, Twenty-seventh Infantry; 28th, Dewane Goodrich, artificer, Ninth Infantry; 29th, Louis W. Mohun, corporal, L, Ninth Infantry. Gunshot in action-27th, Richard P. Corbett, C, Twenty-sixth Infantry; 24th, Harry Hiscock, sergeant, H, Twenty-sixth Infantry; 25th, James E. Rooney, A, Twenty-sixth Infantry; 29th, John C. Wetherby, E, Fourth Infantry. Typhoid fever-29th, Roy Storrs, L, Third Infantry. Uraemia-30th, John H. Williams, F, Sixth Artillery. Chronic diarrhea-30th, James M. Hart, A, Ninth Infantry; December 1, Fay Foster, D, Ninth Infantry.
Otis, Dec 3 1899, 0645am, Casualties
Treaty of Paris 1898 | Benevolent Assimilation | Otis sends Iloilo Expedition | Miller meets Potter Transports Remain in Guimaras | Expedition arrives in Iloilo Harbor | Miller meets Estado Federal Benevolent Assimilation in Iloilo | Trip to Malolos | USS Baltimore | S.S. Union | USS Callao Estado Federal de Bisayas | Four Commissioners Iloilo-Antique-Capiz | Negros | Samar-Leyte | Cebu © RONNIE MIRAVITE CASALMIR cabatuan @ To make the text bigger, use CTRL+ on your computer or laptop ... While pressing CTRL, click +. Or while pressing CTRL, scroll your mouse. |