CEBU, P. I., September 25, 1899.
SIR: I have the honor to report that, pursuant to instructions, on the 21st instant, I moved with my command, 35 men of Company A, Twenty-third Infantry, and Assistant Surgeon Ashburn, into the valley and camped there, near the stream. The night was without incident, and at 6 a. m. the 22d, we moved out on the ridge eastward and along its top toward the Guadalupe. At a distance of about 2 miles and about 8 a. m., we were fired upon by the enemy from a hill in front on the ridge,
and a skirmish ensued lasting ten or fifteen minutes. A small flanking party on the north dislodged the hostiles, who fled, about 30 in number, leaving blood stains, and retired to the hills. A broken meat can, shelter half, poncho, and old shotgun were found in a partially constructed fort on the hill. Captain Evans' column was seen in the distance during the afternoon. The command camped at the fort and was joined in the evening by First Lieut. G. D. Moore, with Company K, Twenty-third Infantry. During the night the fort on the high hill was burned and abandoned by the insurgents. On the 23d both companies crossed the valley and Lieutenant Moore entered the abandoned fort, destroyed it as far as possible, and the whole command then returned to camp. No casualties.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Twenty-third Infantry.