Particulars of the Death of Private
Gavigan in the Philippines
The Merrimack Club's Clambake -
Mulroy's Side of Assault Story
In relation to the letter received by
Mrs. Mary Doyle, 21 Heatley Place,
announcing the death of Private Thomas
Gavigan, the following complimentary
letter has been received from his
former captain:
Barotac Nuevo, Panay, P.I.
Mrs. Mary Doyle, Fall River, Mass.,
No. 21 Heatley avenue. Madam:
It is with a great deal of sorrow, I
notify you of the death of Private
Thomas Gavigan, Co. C, 26th Regiment,
U.S.V. Infantry. At Dumangas
Panay, P.I., June 7th, 1900, he
received a gunshot wound in upper right
arm and shoulder, June 16th, 1900, at
3:50 p.m., he died from surgical shock,
following amputation at Brigade Hospital.
I cannot speak too highly of his
excellent character, and the manner
in which he performed his duties. He
will be greatly missed in his company.
Dumangas was besieged by insurrectos
for 36 hours. Volunteers were called
for to go for re-inforcements.
Gavigan was one of the first to offer his
services. The detachment had not
gone over 200 yards before Gavigan
was shot. Since he has been here in
the Philippines, he has taken part in
the following affairs: Engagement at
San Isidore, P.I., Nov. 10th, 1899.
Reconnoisssance in force beyond Jaro, P.I.,
Nov. 18th, 1899. Engagement at
Balantang, Nov. 21, 1899. Reconnoissance
at Zurraga, Nov. 25, 1899.
Reconnoissance at Dingley, Jan. 1st, 1900.
Battle at Dumangas, June 6th, and
7th, 1900. Buried at Iloilo, P.I. Number
of grave, 70.
Very respectfully
A. A. Barker
Captain 26th Regiment of Infantry, U.S.V.
Commanding Co. C