No response was received until the 19th of that month, when I was
informed that the President and Secretary were absent from Washington,
and that a consideration of my question would await their return,
which would be shortly. Appreciating the great desirability of securing
possession of this city, the second of the Philippines in importance,
I was anxious to receive an affirmative answer to my cable question of
the 14th instant. It was reported that the Spanish troops were hard
pressed by the insurgents, who had made an attack a few days previous,
declaring that they would capture the town before the arrival of the
Americans. It was also stated that the attack had been repulsed, with
a loss to the insurgents of 300 men.
The petition for protection which had been submitted by the business
men appeared to me to furnish sufficient ground upon which to base
intervention in their behalf, independent of specific instructions from
Washington, and I therefore, in conference with Admiral Dewey, asked
that one of his war vessels convoy troops which I meditated sending to
Iloilo at once. This the Admiral thought it not wise to do, as we were
awaiting authority which had already been sought, and furthermore
that he was of the opinion General Rios would hold out. I shared with
him this latter conviction and awaited directions.
- Otis, in his 1899 report