OTIS, FEBRUARY 19, 1899, 0946 AM

MANILA. (Received February 19, 1899-9.46 a. m.)


Following deaths since last weekly report: February 5, Private Daniel E. White, C, Eighteenth Infantry, Iloilo, malarial fever and pneumonia; 11, Damian Grossman, C, First Washington, chronic diarrhea; 14, Com. Sergt. Arthur J. Smith, U. S. Army, retired, heart failure; 15, Corpl. Wilson M. Osborn, F, First South Dakota, variola; 17, Private Jacob Stassen, H, Twenty-third Infantry, heart failure under chloroform. Died of wounds received in action: 12, Privates Clarence G. Briggs, band, First Montana; Bruno L. Putzker, K, Third Artillery; 13, William B. Myersick, I, First Montana; 16, John J. Campbell, M, First Montana.
