OTIS, DECEMBER 26 1899, 0640 AM
MANILA. (Received December 26, 1899-6.40 a. m.)
Following recent minor engagements: Capture San Mateo, December 19, General Lawton killed; Captain Kenan, Twenty-ninth Infantry, Lieutenant Breckinridge, Seventh Infantry, slightly wounded; 4 enlisted men slightly wounded. Capture, same date, Montalban, Lieutenant Cotchett, Eleventh Cavalry, and 6 enlisted men wounded, mostly slight; enemy's casualties heavy. In northern Zambales, 21st instant, Bell struck 150 insurgents; killed, wounded, and captured 28 and 20 rifles; Lieutenant Read, Thirty-sixth Infantry, right thigh, moderate. Hughes, Iloilo, reports insurgent band attacked Brownell's company Twenty-sixth Infantry near Jaro; repulsed with heavy loss in men and 26 rifles; insurgents are in Romblon surrendering arms. Twenty-third instant, Captain Dame, Thirty-fourth Infantry, struck insurgent band near Aritao, province Nueva Vizcaya, killing and wounding 15, capturing 7 rifles. Lieutenant Meade, Twenty-first Infantry, attacked insurgent outpost near Calamba 24th instant, killing 5, capturing 5 rifles. In mountains southern portion Bataan Province, 24th instant, Captain Comfort, Thirty-second Infantry, struck insurgent band, wounding 4 and having 1 man wounded. Major Spence, same regiment, same locality, captured insurgent corral with 125 cattle and ponies. Captain Hayson, same date, attacked in mountains near Sulug; 1 man missing.