OTIS, DECEMBER 23 1899, 0640 AM

MANILA. (Received December 23, 1899-6.40 a. m.)


General Young reports, 21st instant, from Vigan, Colonels Hare and Howze, heard from December 17, still in pursuit, through mountains, of insurgent column having our prisoners, of whom 4 captured. Captain Gillmore, remaining prisoners, one day in advance; pursuit continued; these pursuing troops have encountered great hardships, but will probably strike Aparri. Two hundred and one Spanish prisoners from Appari received this morning; 200 more in that section, mostly friars, awaiting transportation to Manila. Entire Sixteenth Infantry leaves for Aparri to-morrow for stations from that point as far south as Bayombong; Batchelor's battalion Twenty-fourth now on lower Rio Grande in good condition; to return to San Jose country.

Forty-fourth Infantry are being sent to Hughes, Iloilo, who reports Panay, Negros, and adjacent islands quiet; arriving troops and supplies being unloaded through service at Manila and Dagupan Railway; two trains daily. All ports northern Luzon open January 1.
