OTIS, DECEMBER 1 1899, 02:34 AM

MANILA. (Received December 1, 1899-2.34 a. m.)


Hughes reports from central Panay that Iloilo Province one-third island cleared of insurgents; by forced marches with two battalions from Lambunao, by way of Calinog, he obliged enemy to fight at Pavia on 26th instant, and drove him, with loss, to the mountains in detached bodies, capturing 10 fieldpieces, of which 2 breechloaders, also 9 rifles, and several thousand rounds small ammunition. Hughes' casualties, Captain Warwick, Eighteenth Infantry, and Private Daniel W. Humphreys, K, Eighteenth Infantry, killed; he reports his troops in excellent health; is now converting wheel into pack transportation for purpose of entering mountains; expected that he will pass on to Capiz, northern coast of island. Dispatches from Lawton indicate Bayombong captured, 28th instant; both trails over mountains impracticable for wheel transportation of any kind; troops have subsisted on rice, and scant supply of that. MacArthur's troops have had several minor engagements, capturing men and rifles. Bell's capture in mountains includes 14 modern guns, all in good condition. Over 50 pieces of artillery captured by troops of corps in last three weeks. Oregon brought in 106 Spanish prisoners from Vigan yesterday; 94 received by rail previous evening. Young, with three troops cavalry and March's battalion Thirty-third Infantry, should have reached Vigan yesterday.
