Cuartel Meisic, Manila, November 26, 1902.
The Adjutant-General, Division of the Philippines,
Manila, P. I.
Sir: In reference to the alleged death of Padre de la Pena, of Iloilo, province of Panay, P. I., I have the honor to state that I have no personal knowledge of the death of this padre.
During my service in the Twenty-sixth U. S. Volunteer Infantry, I was stationed in Iloilo, Panay, as adjutant of the provost guard, under the command of General Hughes, from December, 1900, to March 6, 1901. While stationed there it was my custom to patronize a Spanish barber on Calle Rosario. Upon several occasions during the early part of the year 1901 this barber inquired as to what had become of Padre de la Pena, and if he was not in confinement in the prison at Iloilo; to which I replied that to the best of my knowledge he was not in confinement, nor had I any knowledge as to his identity or whereabouts.
On my way to the United States some one on board ship remarked that he had heard that Padre de la Pena was dead. As to the circumstances connected with this remark, I do not remember.
Very respectfully,
Hilden Olin,
First Lieutenant, Battalion Adjutant, Thirtieth Infantry.