NOBLE, JUNE 17, 1901
JUNE 30 1900 TO MAY 31 1901
by Maj. Robert H. Noble, Assistant Adjutant-General
(In the absence of the Department Commander)
Headquarters Department Of The Visayas,
Iloilo, Panay, P. I., June 17, 1901.
The Adjutant-general,
Division of the Philippines, Manila, P. I.
Sir: In accordance with instructions contained in your letter dated March 18, 1901, directing that a narrative report of the military operations in this department from the date of last annual report to as late a date as possible be submitted for the information of the division commander, I have the honor to submit the following report of operations from June 30, 1900, to May 31, 1901:
The previous report of the department commander, Brig. Gen. R. P. Hughes, U. S. A., closed June 30,1900. At that time the command consisted of the following troops:
Company H, Signal Corps, U. S. A.; Sixth U. S. Artillery, Light Battery G (now Thirteenth Battery, Field Artillery); Sixth U. S. Infantry, headquarters and 12 companies; Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, headquarters and 8 companies; Nineteenth U. S. Infantry, headquarters and 12 companies; Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V.,headquarters and 12 companies; Forty-third Infantry, U. S. V., headquarters and 12 companies; Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., headquarters and 12 companies.
They were distributed in the different districts of the department as follows:
Distribution Of Troops.
First district {island of Leyte).-Forty-third Infantry, U. S. V., headquarters and 12 companies; Companies A and D, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V.
Second district (islands of Cehu and Bohot).-Detachment Light Battery G, Sixth U. S. Artillery; Nineteenth U. S. Infantry, First and Third battalions; headquarters Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., and Companies B, C, I, K, L, and M.
Third district (island of Negros).-Headquarters Sixth U. S. Infantry and companies B, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, and M.
Fourth district (island of Panay).-Light Battery G, Sixth U. S. Artillery; Companies A and C, Sixth U. S. Infantry;Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, headquarters and 8 companies; Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., headquarters and 12 companies; Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., Second Battalion; Nineteenth U. S. Infantry, Second Battalion.
The returns at that date showed-
Total commissioned 328
Total enlisted 8,333
Aggregate (total) 8,661
Since July 1,1900, the strength of the command has remained the same for the period for which this report is rendered, with the following exceptions: The organization of native scouts in the department was begun July 19,1900, and has been steadily prosecuted until there are now in the island of Panay 8 companies, aggregating 775 men; in Negros, 4 companies, aggregating 388 men; in Bohol, 1 company of 30 men; in Cebu,2 companies of 126 men; and in Leyte, 4 companies of 341 men. The Thirty-eighth Infantry, U. S. V., arrived November 30,1900. The Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., embarked for the United States March 6,1901; the Thirty-eighth Infantry, U. S. V., on the 24th and 28th of May, 1901; the Forty-third Infantry, U. S. V., on the 1st of June, 1901; and the Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., on the 29th of May, 1901.
Changes of station have been made so as to distribute the various organizations now in the department as follows: Six companies of the Sixth Infantry garrison Negros; 2 companies, the western part of Capiz Province, Panay; 3 companies, Antique Province, Panay; and 1 company, the southwestern part of Iloilo Province, Panay. The 8 companies of the Eighteenth Infantry garrison the remainder of the provinces of Iloilo and Capiz and the district of Concepcion, Panay. Ten companies of the Nineteenth Infantry garrison Cebu, and 2 companies Bohol. Leyte is garrisoned by 0 companies of the Eleventh Infantry and 2 companies of the First Infantry. Upon the arrival of two other companies of the Elev enth Infantry, expected at an early date from the United States, the two companies of the First Infantry will be moved to Samar, which island will then be occupied by the Third Squadron, Ninth Cavalry; Second Squadron, Tenth Cavalry; the entire First Infantry; and the Second Battalion, Ninth Infantry. Samar was added to the department May 7, 1901, and the department commander is now there in person superintending operations against the insurgent general, Lucban. No report of these operations can be rendered at this time.
MILITARY OPERATIONS. Because of the rainy season and the necessity for garrisoning the principal points in the territory occupied by our troops, no concerted action in force was attempted until the arrival of the Thirty-eighth Infantry, U. S. V., in November, 1900. Previous to that time the guerrilla tactics adopted by the enemy and the wide distribution of the forces resulted only in a considerable number of desultory engagements of small importance; such contact generally grew out of the fact of occupation, and the movements of supply trains and small detachments sent out to attack the enemy as opportunity offered. The most important of these affairs are mentioned below.
The isolated character of these events renders a connected narrative report difficult, if not impracticable; but the general plan of campaign in the different islands, where such could be outlined, and the results attained may, however, be stated to have been as follows:
Province of Iloilo.-Early in December, 1900, Col. George S. Anderson was assigned to the command of the mobile troops in the province of Iloilo. His command consisted of: Light Battery G, Sixth U. S. Artillery (Thirteenth Battery, Field Artillery), Capt. C. W. Foster, commanding; Gordon's detachment mounted infantry (Eighteenth), First Lieut. A. L. Conger, commanding; mounted detachment Company H, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry (Butts), and an infantry support from Companies G (Bordman) and H (Connell), Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., Capt. A. A. Barker, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., commanding; the mounted detachment Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., an infantry support from Company B (Peck) and C (Pierce), Maj. Guy V. Henry, jr.. Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V.. commanding; First and Third Battalions," Thirty-eighth*Infantry, U. S. V., Majs. C. H. Muir and L. E. Goodier, commanding, and the necessary number of native scouts as spies, guides, and couriers.
Province of Antique.-Lieut. Col.W. S. Scott, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., was assigned to the command of all troops in Antique Province. His command consisted of Company F, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry (Wickham). and Companies A (Shaw), C (Burkhardt), and E (French), of the Second Battalion, Nineteenth U. S. Infantry, Maj. J. F. Huston, commanding; the Second Battalion, Thirty-eighth Infantry, 17. S. V., Maj. Willard A. Holbrook, commanding; Second Battalion, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., and Company E, Panay Scouts.
Province of Capiz.-The battalion Sixth U. S. Infantry, Companies A (Ryther), C (Bolles), K (Nesbitt) at Calivo, were ordered to operate in northwest Capiz, under the command of Capt. C. G. Morton, Sixth U. S. Infantry, making, in general terms, a link between Colonel Scott's command and the Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, in the Panav Valley.
Capt. T. W. Griffith, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, was charged with the operations in that portion of Capiz Province not assigned to Capt. C. G. Morton, Sixth U. S. Infantry, but the command of his regiment having fallen to Captain Griffith, the command of active operations in the Panay Valley devolved upon Capt. I). C. Shanks, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry. The force at his disposal consisted of Companies F (Wickham and later Murray), I (McBroom), K (La Motte), L (Hunt), and M (Shanks). Eighteenth U. S. Infantry.
Province of I loilo. -Active field operations were inaugurated December 5, when Lieut. Col. C. J. Crane, commanding the Third Battalion, Thirty-eighth Infantry, U. S. V., moved out on the Jaro-Zarraga road for the purpose of cleaning out that country and the country bordering the Jalaur River. Captain Tutherly proceeded with his company (F) of the Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., to operate in the country directly east of Dumangas. Colonel Anderson, with the first battalion of his regiment, Foster's battery, and Gordon's detachment of mounted infantry, proceeded direct to Pototan, where he was joined by Maj. Guy V. Henry, jr., and his force. These forces were divided into four columns, which proceeded northward toward Passi. December 12 Colonel Anderson, with the main body and Foster's battery, advanced on the main road, covering the country in two columns on both sides, and encountered the enemy at the Tinicuan River. Major Henry advanced between the Jalaur Kiver and the Dingle Mountains,
meeting the enemy at the west base. Lieutenant Conger (who had been joined by Captain Tutherly without his command) passed to the east of these mountains with 20 men of his scouts, met the enemy at Mount Buyabog, drove them from their position, killing several and capturing uniforms and important papers. On the same day from Passi Colonel Anderson reported all his columns fired on and several insurgents and papers captured.
December 16, Colonel Anderson's three columns, under himself, Major Henry, and Lieutenant Conger, attacked the enemy in one of his strongholds at Mount Putian, drove him out of his position, burned headquarters, seven fine buildings used as barracks and hospital, destroyed a large quantity of supplies, including uniforms, medicines, and canned goods, and captured a quantity of records.
On the 11th, Colonel Crane having arrived in this territory, joined a part of his force with that of Major Henry and Captain Foster and inflicted a slight loss on the enemy and destroyed quarters and supplies at Mount Bulanog.
Capt. A. A. Barker, with troops from Companies G and H, Twentysixth Infantry, U. S. V., and the Thirty-eighth Infantry, U. S. v., from Cabatuan, Maasin, and Janiuay, advanced northward along the Cabatuan-Janiuay-Labunao road, his detachments covering the country west toward the Antique line, and north of the Uiian Itiver to the Capiz line, as far as Calinog, destroying large quantities of supplies of the insurgents and arriving at Calinog December 14.
December 17, a detachment of E and F companies, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., operating under Lieutenants Crockett and Pierce, surprised one of the headquarters of Col. Quintin Salas, near Dumangas, capturing 12 rifles, reloading outfits, ammunition, shells, cloth, bolos, and insurgent papers, and destroying several buildings.
The combined forces of Colonel Anderson and Lieutenant-Colonel Crane, Major Henry, and Captain Barker, now arranged to attack simultaneously the stronghold of General Delgado on Mount Singit on the north, east, and south. The following skirmishes occurred during the movement: December 22, Major Henry, with his command, and Captain Weber, with his company (L, Thirty-eighth Infantry, U. S. v.), engaged the enemy in the valley of the Saugue River in a running fight, lasting nearly all day, destroying considerable ammunition, food supplies, and quarters in the vicinity of barrio Cunsad. December 23, Colonel Anderson, Major Muir, Captain Foster, and Lieutenant Conger, with their commands, reached the base of Mount Singit and engaged the enemy, who maintained a spirited resistance, holding a commanding position across an impassable ravine, from which the combined fare of Captain Foster's guns and Lieutenant Conger's rifles (immediately in front of the enemy's chief position), although fiercely maintained during the greater portion of the day, was unable to dislodge him. Late in the afternoon a flank movement, which had required hours of very difficult climbing, was accomplished by Captain Jordan, of the Thirty-eighth Infantry, U. S. V., with his company, when the enemy retired precipitately. During the next few days the command covered the entire country, destroying supplies, quarters, and papers, capturing a few prisoners, and completely disorganizing and disintegrating the forces of the enemy. In the latter part of December, Captain Tutherly proceeded with his company (F of the Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V.) to the vicinity of
Igcabugao, in the southwestern part of Iloilo Province, destroying a considerable quantity of stores belonging to the insurgents and capturing horses and carabao belonging to them.
At the same time that the movements above detailed were in progress, a peace committee, consisting of the more prominent natives of Iloilo, Jaro, and Molo, had been endeavoring, with the assistance of these headquarters, to communicate with General Delgado and the lesser insurgent leaders, for the purpose of showing them the futility of further resistance and of inducing them to surrender.
Investigations as to the collection of insurgent funds and arrests of certain prominent individuals in the province who were found to be connected therewith and otherwise aiding and abetting the insurrection, were also being made by Capt. Edwin F. Glenn, judge-advocate of the department.
The combined effect of all these efforts, following so closely as they did upon the announcement of the result of the election in the United States, brought about the surrender of General Delgado, commanding the forces in Iloilo Province, and his personal escort, on the 11th of January, 1901, at Bangol, Panay, to Maj. Robert H. Noble, adjutantgeneral, and First Lieut. R. H. Van Deman, aide-de-camp.
This surrender proved to be the entering wedge. On the 14th of January Honorio Solinap, and on the 29th Comandante Manuel Solinap surrendered to Lieut. P. S. Golderman, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., at Santa Barbara. On the 30th, Lieut. Col. Francisco Jalandoni, Comandante Nicolas Roses, and Comandante Manuel Catalan surrendered to Maj. R. H. Noble at Dingle. March 3, Col. Protasio Mondejar surrendered to Capt. A. A. Barker, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U.S. V., at Maasin. The numbers of men and arms surrendered are given below.
With the surrender of Mondejar, military operations in the province of Iloilo practically ceased, except in the manglares of Dumangas, where Col. Quintin Salas, commanding the last of the four columns of insurgents of the province, still held out with a force estimated at 120 rifles and men, more or less. Troops under Lieutenant-Colonel Crane, Major Goodier, Captains Allen, Weber, and Nolan, and Lieutenant Jacobs, Thirty-eighth Infantry, U. S. V.; Major Henry, Captains Brownell, Whipple, and Peck, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V.; Captain Raysor, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V.; Captain Gordon and Lieutenant Conger, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, were successively sent into this district both by land and water. One by one the rifles of Salas to the number of 106 were captured, his supplies discovered and destroyed, and his forces killed, captured, or disintegrated. It is doubtful if a piece of swamp territory more difficult to operate in could be found in this archipelago, but, nevertheless, it was continually submitted to such a combing by Captain Gordon and his detachment of mounted infantry (Eighteenth) that Quintin Salas at last found it impossible to remain in safety, even though carefully hidden in such a swamp. He escaped to Guimaras and, on the 23d of April, 1901, after communicating with these headquarters through his nephew, Felix Salas, surrendered to Maj. R. H. Noble, adjutant-general of the department.
Province of Capiz.-In Capiz, Panay, the troops took the field in two columns, one operating in the Panay Valley, under Capt. D. C. Shanks, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, and the other in the Aclan Valley, under Capt. C. G. Morton, Sixth U. S. Infantry. The general pur
poses of the campaign were the same as in the province of Iloilo, namely, to destroy his food supply and destroy and disorganize the enemy. Captain Shanks's column displayed great activity, gave the enemy no rest, and destroyed his supplies in great quantities. At the same time the troops from the province of Iloilo. under Maj. C. H. Muir, Thirty-eighth Infantry, U. S. V., operated in the mountains separating the two provinces.
As a result of these operations the insurgent chief Diocno was wounded and captured March 18,1901, by Capt. Peter Murray, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, and his various subchiefs surrendered one after the other, as stated below.
Province of Antique.-In the province of Antique, Panay, the insurgent troops habitually confined themselves to the mountains, which are practically inaccessible to our troops, except for a few days at a time; but the insurgents were allowed no peace by our forces, which continually remained active; and this activity, together with the surrenders already secured in the provinces of Iloilo and Capiz, and the persuasions of the peace committees from Antique and Iloilo, eventually induced the surrender of the entire insurgent force in that province under General Fullon, March 21, 1901, to Lieut. Col. W. S. Scott, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., commanding all the forces in that province.
The more important events in the island of Panav during the period from July 1, 1900, to May 31, 1901, are as follows:
September 13, 1900 - Maj. G. V. Henry, jr., Twenty-sixth Infantry. U. S. V., reports skirmish on Tienucaun River, near Duenas, Panay. against 40 or 50 rifles, under Manuel Catalan. Drove enemy from position.
September 14 - Major Henry reports another skirmish near Mount Putian, south of San Enrique, against 70 men, about 40 rifles, under Conrado Masquera, adjutant to Quintin Salas. Masquera shot three times and captured. Enemy's loss, 3 killed and 2 wounded.
September 14 - Capt. E. L. Butts, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, with detachment of Company H, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, and First Lieut. A. L. Conger, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, with detachment of Gordon's Detachment Mounted Infantry (Eighteenth), were fired upon near Dingle, Panay, by about 80 rifles under Quintin Salas. Two enlisted men wounded. Insurgents routed, with 15 or 20 killed. Four rifles captured.
September 18 - Capt E.V.N. Bissell,Forty-fourth Infantry, U.S.V., with detachment of the Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., destroyed a powder factory and all supplies on Delanos River, Antique Province, Panay, including 10,000 rounds of ammunition and a large quantity of powder. Three insurgents were killed and 5 captured. Seven rifles were also captured.
October 12. - Capt. C. H. Brownell,Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., with Company D. Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., left Banate, Panay, on gunboat Paragua, to operate against the forces of Col. Augustin Solis. Landing at Carles, they proceeded inland to Balasan, Panay, where the enemy was found. In the action which followed, the enemy lost 22 captured, 10 men and 2 officers killed, 12 rifles and 600 rounds of
ammunition captured. Two enlisted men of Company D, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., were wounded.
October 15-Capt. E. L. Butts, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, with 20 men of Company H, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, and Capt. Alexander Greig, jr., Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., with 14 mounted men of Company I, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., struck a force of fully 100 armed insurgents near Tubungan, Panay, killing 18 and wounding a large number. Six rifles were captured. Our loss was 1 man of Company I, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., killed.
January 11, 1901.-Martin Delgado, commanding the insurgent forces in Iloilo Province, Panay, with 4 officers, 24 men, and 14 rifles, surrendered to Maj. Robert H. Noble, assistant adjutant-general, and First Lieut. R. H. Van Deman, at Bangol, Panay,,
January 14.-Lieutenant Golderman, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., received the surrender of Honorio Solinap, with 30 men and 20 rifles at Santa Barbara.
January 29.-Lieutenant Golderman, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., received the surrender at Santa Barbara of Manuel Solinap and 13 officers, 97 men and 5 delegados, 62 rifles, many being Krags, Mausers, and Muratas, with 2,000 rounds of ammunition.
January 30.-Lieut. Col. Francisco Jalandoni, Comandante Roses, Comandante Manuel Catalan, 14 subordinate officers, 120 men, comprising the First and Second Guerrillas of the column, surrendered to Maj. R. H. Noble, assistant adjutant-general, at Dingle, Panay. The clerks and administration force comprised 20. Seventy rifles, 2 shotguns, 1 revolver, 2 bayonets, 50 belts, and 2,700 rounds of ammunition were also surrendered.
February 2.-The formal surrender of the main portion of the insurgent troops in Iloilo Province took place at Jaro, comprising 30 officers and 140 men with arms, and a large number without arms. This was in accordance with the expressed wish of General Delgado, his subordinate officers, the native peace committee, and officials of the various towns, sanctioned by the department commander, and was for the purpose of impressing the people. These were the troops which had previously surrendered to Maj. Robert H. Noble, assistant adjutantgeneral, at Janiuay, Dingle, etc., and to Lieut. P. S. Golderman, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., at Santa Barbara. Jaro was elaborately decorated, and at least 10,000 people were present to witness the ceremony. Escorted by a detachment of mounted infantry. Major Noble, accompanied by General Delgado, Colonel Jalandoni, Major Roses, and other insurgent officers, the peace commission and prominent citizens who had helped to bring about the surrender, headed the column, and, followed by the insurgent troops and passing through a large arch, the column marched past two companies of the Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., the town council and a delegation of prominent natives drawn up into line to receive them, and swung into line facing the large plaza, in continuation of our line. The colors were then escorted to the front and center of the whole line, the American and Filipino troops presented arms, the band played the national air, and the entire crowd uncovered and showed the utmost respect and attention.
March 3.-Col. Protasio Mondejar, with 7 officers and 40 men, 15 Remington, 2 Mauser, 4 Krag, 9 Amberg, 1 Spanish carbine, 1 Springfield, 1 Libon, 2 shotguns and a quantity of ammunition, surrendered
to Capt. A. A. Barker, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. V., near Maasin, Panay.
March 18.-Capt. Peter Murray, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, and First Lieut. F. C. Bolles, Sixth U. S. Infantry, with detachments, located Diocno, insurgent leader in Capiz Province, Panay, with his guard, at barrio Dalipdan, Capiz Province, Panay. Diocno was wounded and captured. Two insurgent soldiers were killed and 1 officer and 2 soldiers captured. Six rifles and 2 revolvers were also captured.
March 20.-Capt. D. F. Allen, Thirty-eighth Infantry, U. S. V., with detachment, struck a portion of Quintin Salas's band near Barotac Viejo, Panay, killing 10, capturing 7, with 18 rifles and 1 revolver.
March 21.-General Fullon, insurgent leader in Antique Province, Panay, surrendered to Lieut. Col. W. S. Scott, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., at Delanos River, with 32 officers, 254 men, and 171 rifles. Also on March 26 2 more officers of Fullon's command, with 35 rifles, surrendered.
March 24..-Pontiveras, with 20 men and 15 rifles, surrendered to Captain Shanks, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, at Mambusao, Capiz Province, Panay.
March 27.-Alikpali and Ruiz, with 34 rifles, surrendered at Mambusao, Panay. On the 29th, Salzan, with 19 rifles, surrendered to Captain Shanks at Mambusao, Panay.
March 30.-Cavibes, with 29 officers, 185 men, and 106 rifles, surrendered to Capt. C. G. Morton, Sixth U. S. Infantry, at Banga, Capiz Province, Panay. On the same date Contreras and Bores, with 11 rifles, surrendered at Panay, Capiz Province.
March 31.-Captain Gordon, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, reports having surprised Marcelo Golis, a prominent insurgent leader under Quintin Salas, and his guard, near Jibioc, Panay. Golis killed and many important papers captured.
April 5.-Solis, with 80 rifles, surrendered to Captain Shanks, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, in Capiz Province, Panay.
April 23 and 28.-Col. Quintin Salas, with 20 officers and 24 men, surrendered to Maj. Robert H. Noble, assistant adjutant-general, at Iloilo, Panay.
With the surrender of Salas, the last recognized chief in Panay, organized insurgent resistance ceased to exist in the island. There are, however, a considerable number of ladrones inhabiting the mountain country, who are a great annoyance to the hacienderos and the peaceful people of the towns. It will be necessary for some time to come for small detachments of troops to protect exposed points and also hunt these ladrones in their mountain haunts. However, it is not believed that the conditions as to lawlessness are even now any worse than those prevailing in Spanish times, but, on the contrary, they are in some respects appreciably improved. Part of the present lawlessness is a direct result of the war, a certain class of adventurous spirits being unwilling to resume the avocations of peace, but preferring to gratify their inclinations to plunder; others of the ladrones can not secure employment by reason of the partial paralysis of industry, and are unable to procure food, of which there must continue to be an
increasing scarcity until the next palay crop is harvested. There is also a class of people who have been ladrones for generations because of former conditions peculiarly favorable to their operations. Some of the robber chiefs are men who were driven, during Spanish times, to the mountains for their own protection, to escape the scandalous abuses and brutality of the civil guard; others are in the employ of well-to-do and supposedly honest natives living in towns, but who are secretly engaged in the business of buying and selling stolen cattle, which are run off from haciendas, driven into the mountains, and there exchanged for other cattle from distant parts.
These conditions will, however, it is believed, steadily improve. A system of inspection and registration of cattle and carabaos is proposed by the civil government; and, with the towns all organized, the police of the different towns armed and taught to act in conjunction one with another, patrolling the whole territory, a greater security can be given the people, and these thieves can be killed or captured.
This report would be incomplete without mention of the excellent work done by various prominent Filipinos in the way of convincing the leaders in the field of the uselessness of further resistance and the necessity of their surrender. Particular mention of their work is thought to be proper in this connection, as it was contemporaneous with the military operations herein detailed and aided greatly in making the results of the campaign more immediate.
In the latter part of November Senor Pablo Araneta presented a letter which had been written by Senores Padre Sylvestre Apura, Cornelio and Raymundo Melliza, Jovito Yusay, Victorino Mapa, Juan de Leon, and others, to General Delgado, requesting that, if possible, it be sent through our lines to him. This letter was sent to Janiuay with a direction to the presidente to see that it reached General Delgado's headquarters.
The progress of military operations early in December delayed further communication until nearly the end of the month, but eventually Padre Praxedes Magalona came in as a representative of General Delgado. Padre Magalona became one of the hardest workers for peace.
Immediately upon General Delgado's surrender and that of Comandante Nicolas Roses, they became active in the work of pacification. A peace committee had been formed in November, which held regular sessions, at which Maj. R. H. Noble, adjutant-general of the department, was always present, the situation discussed, and letters prepared and sent out. Thereafter, and until all the insurgent forces had surrendered, these native gentlemen, at much personal inconvenience, in small and large committees, visited various parts of the island for the purpose of communicating directly and by letter with those in the field. Every facility was given them and every courtesy offered by our officers and soldiers. Their work was especially valuable as a means of communicating to those still in the field the changed and favorable state of feeling toward the United States which existed in those places occupied by our troops, and in inspiring in the people of the interior and in the insurgent leaders and troops confidence in the Government, and the treatment they might expect to receive on their surrender. The confidence thus inspired was considerably increased by the kindly reception given these people on the occasion of their surrender and their subsequent kind and just treatment at the hands of the military authorities; and it is believed that it will continue, and
that it is more genuine than that which exists in the noncombatant part of the population, who had no share in the active warfare or in the negotiations for peace. It seems only right that the services of the above-named gentlemen should be thus publicly and officially recorded.
January 7 1901, an uprising took place at Bacong, Oriental Negros, headed by Garciano Darna and Baltazar Maghony. There were some 200 of the insurgents who had organized and intended to cooperate with the insurgents of Cebu. They were poorly armed. January 7 Lieut. G. S. Richards, jr., Sixth U. S. Infantry, with 20 men, struck a band of about 40 near Bacong, killing 8 of them and capturing 2.
The remainder of the insurgents evaded capture or fighting for nearly two months, but after the capture of Garciano Darna by Corpl. George M. Quick, Company G, Sixth U. S. Infantry, the movement was abandoned and more than 100 came in and surrendered to Lieutenant Robertson, Sixth U. S. Infantry, at Dumaguete, Negros.
Baltazar Maghony has been arrested at Dapitan, Mindanao, P. L, and is now in confinement at that place.
Our troops have struck a number of small bands of ladrones in different parts of the island since January. With the exception of a few such bands, who elude pursuit quite successfully, there is complete tranquillity in Negros. Since August 1,1900, there have been no casualties in action in the island.
On July 1, 1900, the island of Cebu was infested with a number of roving bands of guerrillas, armed principally with bolos, and having also about 200 rifles. The leader of these bands was Arcadio Maxilom, and under him the most important chiefs were Mateo Lugaand Nicolas Godines. They have not attempted to occupy any one position since their defeat on Sudlon Mountain, January 8, 1900, but have roamed over the island, stealing cattle, collecting money from the natives, and seeking to waylay small American detachments. Maxilom and his leaders are men who were of small importance in the community before the insurrection, and are now doing better for themselves financially than ever before, and probably better than they hope to do after they are forced to surrender. Some of the more important encounters are the following:
During the months of October and November, 1900, a combined movement was made against several bands of ladrones in the northern and southern portions of the island; many minor engagements with these bands followed, and many of them were broken up and scattered.
October 21, 1900. the insurgents attacked the garrison atGuadalupo, Cebu, wounding 2 enlisted men of Company M, Nineteenth Infantry. The insurgents were driven off with 11 killed.
December 12, 1900, Major McCoy, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., captured 12 rifles in good condition and a quantity of black powder near Barili, Cebu.
January 31, 1901, Captain Malley, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V.,
acting on information received from native officials, sent Lieut. E. J.
Hincken, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., with 31 men, Company M, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. v., to attack the enemy on the banks of Guinamasan River, island of Cebu. The enemy opened fire on our troops while crossing the river, killing 4 of the advance guard on the first volley. Lieutenant Hincken and 4 men were killed, 4 enlisted men wounded, and 2 missing. Seven rifles and belts were lost.
February 13, 1901, a detachment of Company I, Nineteenth U. S. Infantry, stationed at Maravilla, Cebu, was attacked by about 60 riflemen and 200 bolomen. The enemy was driven off with heavy loss. One enlisted man was killed and 3 were wounded.
March 3, 1901, Captain Wiggins, Forty-fourth Infanty, U. S. V., with 15 men of Company I, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., and 15 men of Company G, Nineteenth Infantry, struck Troadio Galicano's band in barrio Basac, Cebu, driving them into the mountains, killing 3 and capturing 1 cannon.
May 5, Lieutenant Evans, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., with detachments of Companies B and C, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., struck band of insurgents near Guadalupe, Cebu, killing 2 officers and 4 men.
From latest reports the situation in Cebu is growing better, and there is reasonable ground to hope that all organized resistance will be at end at an early day.
In Bohol, since our occupation, not a shot had been fired, and the outlook seemed favorable for a peaceful solution of the problem in that island, until August 28, 1900. At this time Maj. H. C. Hale, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., received information that a band of insurgents was organizing in Carmen. On the 31st he sent Lieut. Theo. Levack, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., with 27 men of Company C, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., to investigate the situation at Carmen. On the way the detachment was attacked by a few riflemen and several hundred bolomen, and a hand-to-hand fight followed in which the insurgents lost about 100 killed. Our loss was 1 enlisted man killed and 6 wounded. Pedro Samson, a Tagalo, who had been chief of police of the island, proved to be the leader of this outbreak. The native troops were found to be more or less in sympathy with this outbreak, and were therefore disbanded. Additional troops were sent to Bohol and an active campaign inaugurated. Our troops have had a number of engagements with the enemy, in several of which the insurgents have lost quite heavily. Their forces have been disorganized and disintegrated, and conditions are now so favorable that it has been thought advisable again to organize a company of native troops, which is being done.
The events in this island are of such a detached character that no narrative can be attempted further than to mention some of the most important encounters, as follows:
August 31, 1900, Maj. H. T. Allen, Forty-third Infantry, U. S. V.,
raided Moxica's headquarters on Upper Marabon River, Leyte, capturing many revolutionary papers, 5,000 pesos, 7 rifles, and 6 revolvers.
September 18, 1900, a detachment of the Forty-third Infantry, U. S. V., captured Francisco Flordeliz, second in command of insurgent forces in Leyte, with 4 men and 1 rifle.
September 22,1900, Lieut. R. W. Buchanan, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., with detachment Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., attacked near Dolores, Leyte, about 200 bolomen and a few riflemen. He lost 1 enlisted man killed and 3 wounded. The enemy lost 50 killed.
November 27, 1900, Lieutenant Buchanan, Forty-fourth Infantry, U. S. V., with 72 men, attacked insurgents in position near Valencia, Leyte. The insurgent force numbered 100 bolomen and 25 riflemen. They were driven from their position, with 21 killed and 43 wounded. There were no casualties on our side.
January 10, 1901, Captain Duncan, Forty-third Infantry, U. S. V., reported that Lieutenant Steele, Forty-third Infantry, U. S. V., with 10 enlisted men, 5 native scouts, and 2 native policemen, sent out to repair telegraph line, were attacked at the bridge near Terragona, Leyte, and 1 enlisted man of Company M, Forty-third Infantry,U. S.V., was killed. The insurgents were driven into swamps, with 21 killed, 9 captured. One Mauser, 1 Remington rifle, and a large amount of ammunition were also captured.
March 8, 1901, Comandante Leon Brillo, with 44 officers and men and 9 rifles, surrendered at Tacloban, Leyte. This was the first surrender of any consequence in Leyte. Since that date many others have come in.
March 22,1901, Chinchilla, with 32 bolomen, 9 rifles, and 3 revolvers, surrendered at Tacloban, Levte.
April 9,1901, Maj. J. C. Gilmore, jr., Forty-third Infantry, U. S.V., attacked Moxica near Caridad, Leyte, in strong position in mountains, driving him from his position, killing 1 insurgent and capturing 12 cannon. Moxica's band was scattered in all directions.
May 19, 1901, Moxica surrendered, with 4 officers, 20 men, and 3 revolvers, to Major Gilmore. It is believed that serious trouble in this island is at an end, unless, owing to the proximity of Samar, some of Lucban's force is able to escape and begin operations in Leyte.
The reports of the commanding officers, second and third districts, are herewith inclosed. No report has been received from the first district, although the late commanding officer of that district was duly notified to make one. The command of the fourth district having on March 4, 1901, been assumed by the department commander, and the mobile field troops in the island during the period of active operations having been directly under his command, no report from the commanding officer, fourth district, is necessary to the narrative.
The detailed reports of the various events set forth above were forwarded to division headquarters with remarks by the subordinate commanders upon their receipt, in accordance with instructions of the division commander. A full report of all the events, notice of which has been received at these headquarters, is also inclosed for such purpose as it may serve.
Following is a summary for the period from June 30, 1900, to May 31,1901, of killed, wounded, captured, and surrendered in the Department:
Captured by insurgents from United States troops, 7 rifles.
Arms and ammunition captured by United Stales troops from insurgents.
Rifles 352
Revolvers 28
Shotguns 23
Cannon 29
Rounds ammunition 13,354
Arms and ammunition surrendered by insurgents.
Rifles 937
Revolvers 17
Shotguns 30
Cannon 1
Rounds ammunition 5,530
Belts 51
Total arms and ammunition captured from and surrendered by insurgents.
Rifles 1,289
Revolvers 45
Shotguns 53
Cannon - 30
Rounds ammunition 18,884
Belts 51
Respectfully submitted.
Robert H. Noble,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
(In the absence of the Department Commander.)