MCGEE, 1902

Thomas McGee, late of Company D, Twenty-sixth Volunteer Infantry, having first been duly sworn to testify the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth as to the matter respecting which he was to be examined, did testify as follows:

Q. Where do you live?-A. I am living here now.

Q. What is your address?-A. 34 Battery street, Burlington, until I get my pension about the 10th of November, when it will be 35 First street, Utica, N. Y.

Q. Were you a member of Company D, Twenty-sixth Volunteer Infantry?-A. Yes, sir.

Q. For how long a time?-A. I was there up till the 11th day of October, 1900, when I got wounded.

Q. Were you in the company at Banate in 1900?-A. Yes, sir.

Q. Do you know if at any time in the company there was a squad called the water-cure squad?-A. No, sir; I was told of a squad, but I never heard of it being administered to people there, and I never saw it done.

Q. Do you know if, while at Banate, there was a Catholic priest that was a prisoner there?-A. Not in my time.

Q. Was there a private in your company by the name of Alfred Bertrand?- A. Yes, sir; I think he was a corporal for a while.

Q. Did you know him well?-A. Not very well, because he was not in the company a very long while.

Q. Where was he?-A. He was in Iloilo, at general headquarters on Panay Island.

Q. So you did not hear much of him?-A. Only when he got back into the company on his return from Iloilo two or three months before I left, before I got wounded. I think he was there when I got wounded.

Q. What was he doing in the company?-A. I think he was the company clerk.

Q. Was he the company clerk when you left?-A. I think he was.

Q. Who commanded the company when he was company clerk?-A. I think Captain Brownell.

Q. Do you know, of your own knowledge, anything against Bertrand?-A. No, sir; I do not. I never had any dealings with him, and I know of nothing for or against him.

Q. Do you know anything more than what you have testified to?-A. No, sir. The captain used us well so far as I know. He always acted as a gentleman in every respect. He used all of us all right so far as I know.

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Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ day of _______ , 1902, at Burlington, Vt.

The above witness did not report after his testimony had been typewritten.

Judge-Advocate, U. S. Army.