Occasionally an insurgent band scored a slight success, one of which, and one quite unfortunate for our troops, occurred on February 28, which was reported by Lieutenant McBroom, of the Eighteenth Infantry, commanding a company of that regiment at Mambusao, Capiz province.
Estado Federal de Bisayas
This letterhead was in a letter from Cabatuan, Iloilo,
the capital of the Estado Federal de Bisayas
from Feb. 12 1899 when Iloilo City and Jaro fell,
to Sept. 23 1899 when the Estado was dissolved.
After which, Cabatuan remained the capital of the
Politico-Militar Gov't of Gen. Martin Delgado y Bermejo
until Nov. 23, 1899 when Cabatuan was captured
by Gen. Hughes.
Cabatuan Iloilo as Revolutionary Capital
His report was as follows:
[March 2, 1900]*
Sent detachment under sergeant to gain information of roads from Jamindan to Aclan Valley, and trail from Jamindan to Jimeno. He arrived at Jamindan without accident or anything suspicious occurring, the natives saying there were no insurgents in mountains. Yesterday party was started to Mambusao to report, while main body was to attempt to go to Jimeno. Insurgents opened fire on party sent back; the others went to the scene; firing lasted two hours. Our men held Jamindan, and to-day fought their way back to Mambusao. Report insurgents in considerable force intrenched in hills between Jagnaya and Jamindan.
Four men missing from party sent back—all Company I, Eighteenth Infantry:
Israel Cook,
George M. Williams,
Walter H. Cowern, and
Maurice Driscoll;
not known whether killed or captured.
No other casualties.
*This was the day the full detachment returned to Mambusao, which is said to be when the letter was written.
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Treaty of Paris 1898 | Benevolent Assimilation | Otis sends Iloilo Expedition | Miller meets Potter Transports Remain in Guimaras | Expedition arrives in Iloilo Harbor | Miller meets Estado Federal Benevolent Assimilation in Iloilo | Trip to Malolos | USS Baltimore | S.S. Union | USS Callao Estado Federal de Bisayas | Four Commissioners Iloilo-Antique-Capiz | Negros | Samar-Leyte | Cebu © RONNIE MIRAVITE CASALMIR cabatuan @ To make the text bigger, use CTRL+ on your computer or laptop ... While pressing CTRL, click +. Or while pressing CTRL, scroll your mouse. |