Photo by Carol
  • Died of Typhoid Fever, November 17 1899
  • Originally buried at Iloilo P.I.
  • Now buried at San Francisco National Cemetery, Section ES Site 874.

    *His name is misspelled in the list of casualties below.

    MANILA. ( Received November 26, 1899-10.45 a. m.)
    ADJUTANT-GENERAL, Washington:
    The following deaths since last report: Variola—October 28, John Evans, K, Nineteenth Infantry; November 17, John Miller, Fourth Infantry. Malaria-16th, Jacob Abel, K, Twenty-second Infantry; 22d, Charles Britenstine, hospital steward, Thirty-second Infantry. Nephritis-18th, Bert G. Flanders, K, Fourth Infantry; Samuel L. Davis, G, Twenty-eighth Infantry. Tuberculosis-19th, Lawrence Dinneen, sergeant, B, Thirteenth Infantry. Stabbed by comrade-16th, Pres Walker, C, Nineteenth Infantry. Typhoid fever-17th, Joseph Hallecka, D, Eighteenth Infantry. Phthisis, 21st, Benjamin R. Fairchild, L, Twenty-sixth Infantry. Chronic dysentery-25th, Charles Stader, A, Thirty-sixth Infantry; William G. Kennedy, C, Twentieth Infantry. Acute dysentery-21st, Frederick Bale, A, Thirty-sixth Infantry; 24th, Clarence W. Beall, K, Fourth Infantry; 17th, Charles W. Lamb, K, Thirty-fourth Infantry; 19th, Thomas Bell, A, Twenty-fourth Infantry. Heart disease-21st, Fred Stroutman, corporal, M, Thirty-second Infantry. Charles M. Smith, second lieutenant, Eighteenth Infantry, 10.20 o'clock a. m., November 22, at Iloilo, Panay, gunshot in action. 22d, result gunshot in action, Ernest W. Rhodes, C, Seventeenth Infantry; David A. McAdoo, B, Eighteenth Infantry, William J. Wallace, F. Maximiliano Luna, second lieutenant, Thirty-fourth Infantry, 3 o'clock p. m., November 15, drowned Agno River, near San Nicolas. Insect bite right forearm, 22d, Corpl. Jacob Brown, I, Fourteenth Infantry.
    Otis, Nov 26 1899, 1045am, Casualties