Also known as Harry Hiscock
Mortally wounded in Battle of San Blas, Nov. 20 1899 Attended to by Capt. Dr. Frederic A. Washburn and Pvt. Wardner Died while on way from Cabatuan to Iloilo hospital, Nov. 24 1899
MANILA. (Received December 2, 1899-12.28 p. m.).
Casualties not previously reported: Killed—Harry O. Lee, B, Ninth Infantry, November 25, near Capas; Henry W. Landfeohr, E, Thirty-fifth Infantry, engagement Toboatin Bridge, November 24. Wounded in action, near Leon, Panay, November 20, Harry Hiscock, sergeant, H, Twenty-sixth Infantry, abdomen, mortal. In action, Imus, November 25, John Finger, F, Fifth Artillery, leg, moderate; George M. Duncan, B, Fourth Infantry, forearm, moderate. In action, Iloilo, Panay, November 21, Twenty-sixth Infantry, A, Abraham Frappier, thigh, severe; D, Eugene E. Blowers, corporal, head, severe; Edmund Sweet, leg, severe. Sixth Artillery, G, Edward C. England, sergeant, chest, severe; James T. Murphy, shoulder, severe; L, Lawrence E. Grennan, corporal, hand, severe; Paul Rink, thigh, severe. Eighteenth Infantry, B, Charles J. Ling, shoulder, severe; Simeon T. Barker, shoulder, severe; George Beckwith, thigh, severe; Carl Strohm, elbow, slight; C, James O'Connell, thigh, severe; Harry L. Dunton, corporal, chest, severe; Brice Leach, hand, severe; Christopher C. Coats, leg, severe; F, Bert J. Reed, corporal, leg, severe; Timothy J. Flynn, arm, severe; James Jones, corporal, hand, severe; Charles Weber, corporal, chest, severe. In action beyond Mabalacat, November 28, Matthew Batson, first lieutenant, Fourth Cavalry, foot, severe.
Otis, Dec 2 1899, 1228pm, Casualties
MANILA. (Received December 3, 1899-6.45 a. m.)
Following deaths since last report: Drowned—Rio Grande, October 27, Clem Bonaparte, K, Twenty-fourth Infantry. Acute dysentery—November 26, Thomas Smith, K, Twenty-second Infantry; 27th, Thomas B. Wall, E, Twenty-seventh Infantry; 28th, Dewane Goodrich, artificer, Ninth Infantry; 29th, Louis W. Mohun, corporal, L, Ninth Infantry. Gunshot in action-27th, Richard P. Corbett, C, Twenty-sixth Infantry; 24th, Harry Hiscock, sergeant, H, Twenty-sixth Infantry; 25th, James E. Rooney, A, Twenty-sixth Infantry; 29th, John C. Wetherby, E, Fourth Infantry. Typhoid fever-29th, Roy Storrs, L, Third Infantry. Uraemia-30th, John H. Williams, F, Sixth Artillery. Chronic diarrhea-30th, James M. Hart, A, Ninth Infantry; December 1, Fay Foster, D, Ninth Infantry.
Otis, Dec 3 1899, 0645am, Casualties
Left: Capt. Dr. Frederic A. Washburn, Surgeon
Amid flying bullets, he dressed the wounds of Hiscock
From my position on the hill which the mountain battery later selected for a site from which to toss shells across the 1400 yards of space to the farthest trench, I saw Sergt Henry Hiscock of Co H when a 45-caliber slug struck him, severing the urethra. He fell in an open place, where the fly of lead was thickest, and he was not more than three minutes down when Capt Dr Fred Washburn, followed by his orderly, private Wardner, and a Chinaman employed by the hospital corps, left cover and ran across the enemy's field of fire to the stricken sergeant. Capt Washburn kneeled beside Hiscock, dressed his wound, motioned for the Chinaman to give a hand, and the courageous three carried the sergeant fully 200 feet to a less dangerous place on the right of the road which extended from the entrance to the position to the town around which Capt Tutherly's men disappeared in the rush for the river.