West Point Class 1884

U.S.M.A. Class of 1884

Vol. III
p380 3035 - (Born Me.) - Everard E. Hatch - (Ap'd Me.) - 15

Military History. - Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1880, to June 15, 1884, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 18th Infantry, June 15, 1884.

Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Assinniboine, Mon., Sep. 29, 1884, to May 30, 1885, - and Ft. Hays, Kan. (sick leave of absence, June 2, 1886, to Apr. 1, 1887), to June 11, 1888; and as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at Maine State College of Agriculture, Orono, Me., July 1, 1888, to -----.

Vol. IV
p389 [Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890-1900]

Military History. - Served: On college duty, Maine State College,

(First Lieut. of Infantry, 18th Infantry, June 16, 1890)

p390 Orono, Me., June, 1888 to Sept., 1891. - Fort Ringgold, Tex., Oct., 1891 to Feb., 1894, Post Quartermaster. - College duty, Clinton Liberal Institute, Fort Plain, N. Y., Feb., 1894 to Feb., 1895; Fort Sam Houston, Tex., Feb., 1895 to April, 1898.

(Captain of Infantry, 18th Infantry, April 26, 1898)

- With 2d detachment expeditionary forces to the Philippines. - With 8th Army Corps in Spanish-American war; participated in the assault and capture of Manila, Aug. 13, 1898. - With expedition to Iloilo, Panay Island, P. I., Dec., 1898; with regiment at capture of Iloilo, Feb. 11, 1899, and at the engagement of Jaro, Feb. 12, 1899.

Vol. V
p358 [Supplement, Vol. V: 1900-1910]

Military History. - Served: In Philippines, to Sept., 1901; at Fort Douglas, Utah, Oct., 1901 to April, 1902; commanding Whipple Barracks, Ariz., April, 1902 to May, 1903; en route to and in Philippines, May, 1903 to Nov., 1904.

(Major, 25th Infantry, Oct. 20, 1904)

(Transferred to 26th Infantry, July 8, 1905)

- Niobrara, Neb., Dec., 1904 to July, 1905; commanding Fort McIntosh, Tex., Oct., 1905 to July, 1906; at Fort Sam Houston, Tex., and Maneuver Camp, near Austin, Tex., July, 1906 to June, 1907; en route to and in Philippines, from June, 1907; commanding Camp Wilhelm, Tayabas, P. I., July, 1907 to Dec., 1907; commanding Camp Daraga, Albay, P. I., Dec., 1907 to -----.

Vol. VI
p377 [Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910-1920]

(Everard Enos Hatch, Born Jul. 18, 1859)

Military History. -

Major, 25th Infantry, Oct. 20, 1904

Transferred to 26th Infantry, July 8, 1905

p378 Commanding Camp Daraga, Albay, P. I., December, 1907, to June, 1909; at Fort Wayne, Mich., commanding 1st Battalion, and on detached service with Ohio National Guard, July, 1909, to

(Lieut.-Colonel of Infantry, March 11, 1911)

(Assigned to 26th Infantry, Oct. 9, 1911)

May, 1912; at Fort Leavenworth, Kans., with Infantry Examining Board, May to September, 1912; at Columbus Bks., Ohio, Executive Officer at Recruit Depot, September, 1912, to January, 1914;

(Assigned to 4th Infantry, Jan. 3, 1914)

on Mexican border and with Vera Cruz Expedition, January to July, 1914;

(Colonel of Infantry, July 29, 1914)

at Washington, D. C., student officer at Army War College, August, 1914, to

(Assigned to 4th Infantry, Feb. 10, 1915)

June, 1915, when he was graduated; on Mexican border, in Brownsville District, September, 1915, to June, 1917; (commanding regiment, September, 1915, to August, 1916; commanding First Provisional Brigade, (4th and 36th U. S. Infantry, and 1st and 2d Virginia Infantry), August, 1916, to January, 1917; commanding Brownsville Regular Brigade, (4th and 36th U. S. Infantry), January to March, 1917); at Gettysburg, Pa., commanding 4th Infantry, June to August, 1917;

(Brigadier-General, National Army, Aug. 5, 1917)

at Camp Meade, Md., commanding 158th Infantry Brigade, August, 1917, to May 24, 1918;

(Honorably Discharged as Brigadier-General, N. A., Only, May 24, 1918)

commanding 154th Depot Brigade, May 24, 1918, to -----

Vol. VII
p212 [Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920-1920]

Military History. -

Colonel of Infantry, July 29, 1914.

Brigadier-General, National Army, Aug. 5, 1917.

Returned to Grade of Colonel, May 24, 1918.

At Camp Meade, Md., commanding 154th Depot Brigade, May 24, 1918, to Nov. 1; in charge of instruction and training of same, Nov. 1, 1918, to Mar. 1, 1919; commanding same, Mar. 1 to May 19, 1919; with American Expeditionary Forces to Aug., 1919; at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., commanding post, Aug., 1919, to Nov., 1920; Education and Recreation Officer, 5th Corps Area, Sep., 1920, to Feb., 1921; at Camp Sherman, Ohio, Camp Inspector, to July, 1921; commanding Camp, July to Oct., 18, 1921.

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Oct. 18, 1921, At His Own Request, After Over 41 Years' Service.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, June 21, 1930, Act of June 21, 1930.

Civil History: - Librarian, Laurel Free Public Library, 1922 to 1923; Health Officer, Laurel, Md., 1922 to 1928; Justice of the Peace, State of Maryland, in and for Prince George's County, 1923 to 1929; President, Prince George's County Law Enforcement League, 1928 to -----. Maryland Member Constitutional Democratic Committee, 1928.

Resident, Laurel, Md., since 1921.

p67 [Supplement, Vol. VIII: 1930-1940]

Military History: -

Col., Ret., Oct. 18, 1921.

Brig.-Gen., Ret., June 21, 1930.

Civil History: - President, Prince George's County Law Enforcement League, 1928 to 1932; Member, City Council, Laurel, Md., 1934 to 1936; Mayor, Laurel, Md., 1936 to 1938, second term, 1938 to 1940.

Vol. IX
p47 [Supplement, Vol. IX: 1940-1950]

Military History: -

Col Ret 18 Oct 21;

Brig Gen Ret 21 Jun 30.

Died May 14, 1940, at Washington, D. C.: Aged 80.