• West Point Class 1877
  • Burned Igbaras, water cured its Presidente, Nov 27 1900
  • Judge-advocate in the trials of Julian Confesor and Agustin Jiloca
  • Judge-advocate in the trials of Pablo Tabares and Eladio Jilarios
  • Judge-advocate in the trial of Juan Bautista Confesor
  • Judge-advocate in the trials of Damiano Sabido and Mariano Tabanbungua
  • Judge-advocate in the trial of Mariano Aguilar (Montor del Moro)

    U.S.M.A. Class of 1877

    Vol. III
    p289 2698 - (Born N. C.) - Edwin F. Glenn - (Ap'd N. C.) - 58

    Military History. - Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1873, to June 14, 1877, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

    Second Lieut., 25th Infantry, June 15, 1877.

    Served: on leave of absence and awaiting orders, June 15 to Dec. 27, 1877; on frontier duty at Ft. Stockton, Tex.., Dec. 27, 1877, to May 28, 1878, - Scouting, to Sep. 2, 1878, - at Ft. Stockton, Tex., Sep. 2, 1878, to June 27, 1880, - Ft. Hale, Dak., to Dec. 2, 1882, - Ft. Snelling, Min., to May 14, 1888, - and Ft. Shaw, Mon., to Sep. 30, 1888; and as Professor

    (First Lieut., 25th Infantry, Dec. 4, 1884)

    of Military Science and Tactics at the University of Minnesota, to -----.

    Vol. IV
    p289 [Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890-1900]

    (Edwin Forbes Glenn)

    Military History. - Served: At the University of Minnesota, to Oct. 1, 1891. - On leave to June 23, 1892. - At St. Paul, Min., on duty with National Guard of Minnesota, to Sept. 24, 1892. - (Regimental Quartermaster, Oct. 4, 1892 to April 4, 1894.) - Q. M. and C. S. at Ft. Missoula, Mont., to April, 1894. - at St. Paul, Min., Judge Advocate, Department of Dakota, April 7, 1894 to Sept. 13, 1895, and of the Department of the Columbia;

    (Captain of Infantry, 25th Infantry, July 5, 1895)

    at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., to March, 1898. - Commanding exploring expedition in Alaska, April 6 to Nov., 1898. - On duty in office of Assistant Secretary of War at Washington, D. C., preparing his report, to March, 1899. - Commanding the exploring expedition to Cook's Inlet and other points in Alaska, April 7, 1899 to -----

    Vol. V
    p266 [Supplement, Vol. V: 1900-1910]

    Military History. - Unknown, no information having been received.

    (Major, 5th Infantry, April 22, 1901)

    (Lieut.-Colonel, 23d Infantry, Jan. 1, 1907)

    Vol. VI
    p241 [Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910-1920]

    (Edwin Forbes Glenn, Born Jan. 10, 1856.)

    Military History. -

    Captain, 25th Infantry, July 5, 1895.

    Commanding exploring expedition to Cook's Inlet and other points in Alaska, April 7, 1899, to Jan. 29, 1900; on detached service and en route to Philippines, Jan. 30 to March 27, 1900; at Manila, March 28 to April 15, 1900; at Iloilo, P. I., acting Judge Advocate, Department of the Visayas, April 19, 1900, to

    (Major, 5th Infantry, April 22, 1901)

    November, 1901, and Judge Advocate of 5th Separate Brigade, November, 1901, to Feb. 18, 1902; at Manila, in charge of Military Information p242 Division, Division of the Philippines, Feb. 22 to March 15, 1902; and awaiting orders, March 16 to August, 1902;? at Bayambang, P. I., commanding troops at that place, August to Oct. 14, 1902; at Manila, on detached service, Oct. 17, 1902, to Feb. 6, 1903; at Camp Gregg, P. I., commanding troops, Feb. 8 to Sept. 15, 1903; en route to U. S., Sept. 17 to Nov. 21, 1903; at Plattsburg Bks., N. Y., with regiment, Nov. 22, 1903, to March 13, 1905 (at San Juan, Porto Rico, member of Board of Officers, May 16 to June 16, 1904; at Fort Niagara, N. Y., at Rifle Competition, July 14 to Aug. 6, 1904; at Manassas, Va., at Maneuver Camp with regiment, Aug. 27 to Sept. 15, 1904); at Columbus Bks., Ohio, commanding post and Recruit Depot, May 14, 1905, to

    (Lieut.-Colonel, 23d Infantry, Jan. 1, 1907)

    Oct. 1, 1907; at Annapolis, Md., at Rifle Range, Oct. 8 to Nov. 15, 1907; at New York City on detached service, Nov. 16 to Dec. 5, 1907; at Fort Ontario, N. Y., with regiment, Dec. 6, 1907, to Feb. 2, 1908; at Governor's Island, N. Y., on special duty at Hdqrs. Department of the East, Feb. 3 to June 14, 1908; at Pine Camp, N. Y., Chief Umpire at Maneuvers, June 15 to July 15, 1908; en route to Philippines, July 16 to Aug. 31, 1908; at Malabang, P. I., commanding post, Sept. 10, 1908, to June 12, 1909; at Parang, P. I., with regiment, June 14, 1909, to March 23, 1910; on detached service and en route to U. S., March 23 to May 22, 1910; at Fort McIntosh, Texas, with regiment, May 23, 1910, to

    (Colonel of Infantry, March 11, 1911)

    (Assigned to 23d Infantry, June 1, 1911)

    Aug. 2, 1911; at Fort Bliss, Tex., commanding regiment, Aug. 6, 1911, to Jan. 22, 1912; at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., commanding regiment, Jan. 25, 1912, to Feb. 26, 1913; at Texas City, Texas, commanding regiment, March 2 to July 2, 1913; at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., on temporary duty, July 6 to Aug. 11, 1913; at Washington, D. C., student officer at Army War College, Aug. 15, 1913, to Sept. 1, 1914; at Governor's Island, N. Y., Chief of Staff, Eastern Department, Sept. 2, 1914, to

    (Assigned to 18th Infantry, July 12, 1916)

    July 20, 1916; at Douglas, Arizona, commanding regiment, July 26 to Sept. 26, 1916; at Deming, N. M., commanding troops along the Mexican border, Sept. 27, 1916, to March 7, 1917; at Douglas, Arizona, commanding regiment, March 9 to April 30, 1917; at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., Commandant Officers' Training Camp, May 2 to

    (Brigadier-General, U. S. A., May 15, 1917)

    (Major-General, U. S. A., Aug. 5, 1917)

    Aug. 24, 1917; at Camp Sherman, Ohio, commanding 83rd Division, Aug. 25, 1917, to Jan. 3, 1918; at Camp Merritt, N. J., commanding Division, Jan. 6 to 14, 1918; en route to France and commanding 83rd Division in France, Jan. 15, 1918, to Jan. 19, 1919; en route to U. S. to Jan. 30; at Camp Sherman, Ohio, commanding camp, Feb. 4 to Dec. 31, 1919.

    Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, Dec. 31, 1919, At His Own Request, After Over 46 Years' Service.

    Vol. VII
    p145 [Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920-1930]

    Military History: -

    Brigadier-General, May 15, 1917.

    Major-General, National Army, Aug. 5, 1917.

    Returned to Grade of Brigadier-General, Dec. 31, 1919.

    Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, Dec. 31, 1919, At His Own Request, After Over 46 Years' Service.

    Died, Aug. 5, 1926, at Mentor, Ohio: Aged 70.

    Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1928.

    Major-General, U. S. A., (Posthumously) Aug. 5, 1926, Act of June 21, 1930. Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

    Annual Report, June 8, 1928 67


    No. 2698. Class of 1877.

    Died August 5, 1926, at Mentor, Ohio, aged 69 years.

    Edwin Forbis Glenn, son of Dr. Robert Washington Glenn and Julia Gilmer, was born in Greensboro, North Carolina, on January 10, 1857. He attended the Lenoir School for Boys in Caldwell County, N. C. and from there went to Dr. Simmons Preparatory School at Sing Sing, New York. His destination was, of course, the Military Academy at West Point to which he had been appointed from North Carolina and from which he graduated in 1877.

    While at the Academy his swarthy complexion won him the title of "Mohawk" and his intense enjoyment of life, many demerits. These demerits, more than a failure to study, placed him in the Infantry to which he ever after gave his complete loyalty and interest. It was, perhaps, because of his own state of mind when he left the Academy that he later, as regimental commander, adopted the policy of asking for the "goat" of each graduating class. The "goat" was only too aware of his shortcomings and was, therefore, splendid material on which to work.

    As Second Lieutenant in the 25th Infantry General Glenn saw service in Texas, Dakota, Minnesota and Montana until 1888 when he was appointed Professor of Military Science and Tactics, and Assistant Professor of Mathematics, at the University of Minnesota. It was a unique incident of the times that the young women of the University requested that they too might have military drill and that this privilege was duly accorded them. However, in spite of the initial enthusiasm this famous "Company G" did not last very long.

    In 1886 General Glenn married Miss Louise Smythe. of St. Paul. There were four children: Miss Margaret M. Glenn, now in Boston; Mrs. Otis R. Cole (Louise Glenn) now of Fort Wayne, Detroit, Michigan; Mrs. James A. Garfield (Edwina Glenn) now of New York City; Mrs. Harold R. Tyler (Elizabeth Glenn) now of Waterville, New York.

    At the University of Minnesota General Glenn studied law and received his LLB in 1890. He was admitted to the bar in Minnesota and during a year's leave of absence from the army practiced law in St. Paul with the firm of Stephens, O'Brien and Glenn, of which he was a partner. He became an authority on International Law and published in 1895 Glenn's International Law. This knowledge again came into use in 1914 when, under War Department orders, he prepared The Rules of Land Warfare.

    68 Annual Report, June 8, 1928

    Following his return to the Army there was duty with the National Guard of Minnesota; the assignment as quartermaster and commissary officer at Fort Missoula, Montana. In April 1894 he was detailed to the Judge-Advocate General's Department and served as Judge-Advocate of the Department of Dakota at St. Paul and later of the Department of Columbia at Vancouver Barracks.

    In April, 1898, General Glenn was assigned to the command of an exploring and relief expedition to Alaska which work was completed in November of that year. Subsequently he commanded another expedition to Cook's Inlet and other points in Alaska returning there-from in January, 1900. These explorations were recognized by the National Geographic Society of which he became a member.

    Shortly after his return from Alaska, General Glenn (then a Captain) was sent to the Philippine Islands. While there he served as Acting Judge-Advocate, Department of the Visayas, and, after his promotion to Major in April, 1901, was on duty as Judge-Advocate of the 5th Brigade. He was then put in charge of the Military Information Division of the Philippines and; upon relief from this duty was assigned to troops until his return to the United States in November, 1903.

    After serving with the 5th Infantry at Plattsburg Barracks he organized and commanded the recruiting depot at Columbus Barracks; from there he went to the command of troops on the Rifle Range at Annapolis, Maryland; then to detached service at Headquarters Department of the East, and in June, 1908, was Chief Umpire during the maneuvers at Pine Camp, New York.

    In July, 1908, he was again sent to the Philippines where he completed another full term of foreign service and was returned to the United States in May of 1910. He then served with the 23rd. Infantry on the Mexican border and at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana.

    While at Fort Benjamin Harrison, General Glenn conceived the idea (and was the first officer to do so) of transporting troops by truck. In 1912 he submitted plans and recommendations to the War Department and requested permission to test these plans by moving his regiment, the 23rd. Infantry, from Fort Benjamin Harrison to the Pacific coast and back. This test was to cost the government nothing but the price of the gasoline as a large truck company had agreed to furnish trucks for the purpose. Permission to do this was refused, however, and he was unable to demonstrate what, in a very short time, became a recognized method of troop transportation.

    In 1913 General Glenn entered the War College as a student. At the same time he became President of the Infantry Association holding this office until 1919. He accomplished much for the Infantry not the least of which was to secure the same rate of pay for the officers of

    Annual Report, June 8, 1928 69

    the Infantry as received by those in the mounted branches of the service. Doing away with this discrimination not only put the Infantry in greater favor with the cadets at West Point but also heightened the morale of the Infantry itself.

    Upon completion of the War College course, General Glenn was detailed as Chief of Staff, Eastern Department, until July 1916 when he assumed command of the 18th Infantry and was serving with this regiment on the Mexican border when the United States entered the World War. He was relieved from this duty to take command of the First Officers Training Camp at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana.

    He was advanced to the rank of Brigadier General, Regular Army, in May 1917, and to Major General, National Army, in August of that same year and was assigned to the command of the 83rd Division at Camp. Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio. In June 1918 he took his Division to France where it was divided; the Artillery Brigade seeing action with the 32nd Division, the 332nd Infantry with the Italians and the remainder of the Division being used for training cadres for replacements at LeMans, Sarthe, France. The establishment of this Replacement Depot, Training and Embarkation Center, was one of the great achievements of General Glenn's career. He built the most extensive small arms target facilities in France and organized the Depot to such a point of efficiency that infantrymen could be organized and equipped in the short space of seven days. In recognition of this accomplishment General Glenn was made a Commander of the Legion of Honor by the French. General Glenn continued in command of the 83rd Division until his return to this country in June, 1919 when he was again assigned to the command of Camp Sherman, Ohio, until his retirement from active service in December, 1919, having reached the age limit and having served forty-six years.

    He was a member of the Army-Navy Clubs of New York and Washington and also of the Cosmos Club of Washington. Besides his LLB from the University of Minnesota he received honorary degrees from Union and Kenyon Colleges; Ohio, Depauw and Vermont Universities.

    After his retirement from the army, General Glenn gave his services first to the presidential campaign of General Leonard Wood and then to various civic enterprises in his native state of North Carolina. These latter interests included tenant farming, state drainage reclamation, and the development of trade and commerce through a coordinated system of land and waterway transportation. His brief, submitted to the State Ship and Water Transportation Commission of North Carolina, on behalf of a state owned and operated port terminal at the mouth of the Cape Fear River, or Southport, is a masterpiece of exposition of present conditions and future possibilities.

    70 Annual Report, June 8, 1928

    During the winter of 1925-26 his health was failing him. While on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Garfield, in Mentor, Ohio, he was taken very ill and died two weeks later. He was buried in Arlington Cemetery. Mrs. Glenn, who is now living in Washington, D. C., and his four daughters, survive him.

    General Glenn's characteristics as a soldier were his also as a man. The two went hand in hand for he did not look on his soldiering as something apart from himself. Therein lay his strength. He was a strict disciplinarian but always just. He was a leader, with all the physical and moral strength that that word implies. He was a man of tremendous mental and bodily activity and no work was too hard or too trivial not to be done thoroughly and well. He had vision, and time has validated the ideas that were often too advanced to be accepted at the time he conceived them. His interest in his profession, in the problems of his state and country, never flagged. He was, ever and always, a patriotic citizen and a courageous soldier.

    E. G. G.
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